
This interactive application assists a user in creating a good README file for their GitHub repositories. The application guides the user through a series of prompts, using the provided answers to compose a .md file for output.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Link to video recording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1grr9iMUXwAvlFrbcZQHJcS03qzFktNtv/view

<title>Good README Generator</title>

Good README Generator

Table of Contents:

1. Description of Project
2. Technologies Used
3. Installation Directions
4. How to Use the Project
5. Contributing
6. Questions or Comments
7. License
8. Screenshots of Project

This project prompts a user through a series of questions designed to discover details about their project, then compiles it all into a good README.md file, suitable for GitHub. I am not very good at writing READMEs. Having a templated format with pre-written questions that I can answer reduces the stress of writing one. This project is great for users who don't know where to start on their README or who are looking for a way to save time writing one. I learned a lot about promises and async functions working on this project. This project stands out due to the clean code on the backend and the functional styling on the frontend. This project features a series of prompts for the questions and asynchronous processing using node.js.

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Technologies Used

This project incoporates the following tecnologies:

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No installation is needed.

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How to Use the Project

To use the project, open the Good README Generator folder and then open the index.js file. In terminal type in node index.js to run the program. Users will input their responses or choose from a list. Once all of the questions are answered, the user will push the README.md file to GitHub using the typical git commands (git add ., git commit -m, git push). Screenshots can be added to the end of the README.md file directly in GitHub, but links must be added outside of the HTML styling.

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Contributing to the Project

Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

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For Questions or Comments

Please contact me at github.com/JulieAnn2330 or julie.batson@midtownfullstack.com for questions or comments.

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This project incorporates the following license: MIT

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