
This interactive weather app displays temperature, humidity, wind speed, UV index and a weather icon for the current day. The five-day forecast displays the projected temperature at 5pm local time, humidity and weather icon. Users enter a city and click search to display results. Past cities searched are stored and displayed underneath.

Primary LanguageHTML

Weather Dashboard

Table of Contents:

1. Description of Project
2. Technologies Used
3. Installation Directions
4. How to Use the Project
5. Contributing
6. Questions or Comments
7. License
8. Screenshots of Project

This interactive weather app displays temperature, humidity, wind speed, UV index and a weather icon for the current day. The five-day forcast displays the projected temperature at 5pm local time, humidity and weather icon. Users enter a city and click search to display results. Past cities searched are stored and displayed underneath. This was a homework assignment for the University of Kansas Full Stack Bootcamp. This project gives the user current and forecast weather for the next five days. This would especially helpful for an employee traveling to a differnt city for work. I learned a lot about API calls in completing this project. The clean styling and display of the application page make this project stand out. A link to the deployed app can be found here:

Weather Dashboard

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Technologies Used

This project incoporates the following tecnologies:
HTML,CSS,Bootstrap,JavaScript,jQuery,API Calls,AJAX

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No steps are required to install the project.

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How to Use the Project

To use the project, enter the name of a city in the box provided and click the button.

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Contributing to the Project

Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

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For Questions or Comments

Please contact me at github.com/JulieAnn2330 or julie.schaub@midtownfullstack.com for questions or comments.

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This project incorporates the following license: MIT

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