Julie Chou's Portfolio Website


This project is my personal website that showcases my skills and projects as a web frontend developer. The website is a static website built using React.js.

It includes the following features:

  • Multi-page navigation
    users can easily navigate between the home, about, projects, and contact pages.

  • Dark mode
    users can toggle between light and dark mode to suit their preferences.

  • Multi-language support
    the website is available in English and Mandarin Chinese, and users can switch between languages using the language selector in the header.

  • Contact form
    users can send a message to the website owner using the contact form on the contact page.

Feel free to reach out to me at contact@juliechou.com if you have any questions or feedback on this project. Thank you for visiting my portfolio website!

Table of Contents

Technologies Used
Installation and Usage
Project Summary
Project Structure
Future Improvements
Challenges Faced

Technologies Used

The project uses the following technologies:

  • React
  • React Router
  • Sass
  • Styled Components
  • i18next
  • react-reveal

Installation and Usage

To run this project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/JulieDeveloper/portfolio2023.git
  2. Install dependencies: npm install
  3. Start the development server: npm start
  4. View the website at http://localhost:3000.


The website is deployed through Vercel and has its own domain https://juliechou.com

Project Summary

This project is a static website built with React.js to showcase my skills and projects as a web frontend developer. The website includes pages for home, about me, projects, individual pages for each project, and a contact page. The website has bilingual functionality built using i18n and includes animations built with my CSS and JS skills and react-reveal library. The contact form is built using Formspree library.

Project Structure

  ├── App.js
  ├── App.test.js
  ├── index.js
  ├── reportWebVitals.js
  ├── setupTests.js
  ├── assets/
  │     ├── fonts/
  │     ├── images/
  │     │     ├── icons/
  │     │     └── resume-JulieChou.pdf
  │     │
  │     └── projectsImage/
  │           ├── 01/
  │           └── 02/
  │           └── projectsPage/
  ├── components/
  │     ├── background/
  │     │     ├── CopyRight.jsx
  │     │     ├── Navbar.jsx
  │     │     ├── SideBars.jsx
  │     │     ├── SocialLinks.jsx
  │     │     ├── Themes.jsx
  │     │     └── index.jsx
  │     │
  │     └── projectPage/
  │           └── ProjectBackground.jsx
  ├── context/
  │     ├── ThemesContext.jsx
  │     └── WindowSizeContext.jsx
  ├── data/
  │     └── ProjectsData.js
  ├── locale/
  │     └── language/
  │           ├── en.json
  │           ├── tc.json
  │           ├── project01.json
  │           └── projectsList.json
  ├── pages/
  │     ├── ProjectPage/
  │     │     ├── portfolio2023/
  │     │     │     ├── ColorCards.jsx
  │     │     │     ├── DarkmodeAnimation.jsx
  │     │     │     ├── LineAnimation.jsx
  │     │     │     ├── colorList.js
  │     │     │     └── index.jsx
  │     │     │
  │     │     └── atlanticSewingGuild/
  │     │           └── index.js
  │     │
  │     ├── ContactPage/
  │     │     ├── ContactForm.jsx
  │     │     └── ContactPage.jsx
  │     │
  │     ├── AboutPage.jsx
  │     ├── HomePage.jsx
  │     ├── ProjectsPage.jsx
  │     └── index.js
  └── styles/
        ├── base.css
        ├── color.scss
        ├── device.js
        ├── layout.jsx
        ├── marvel-devices.min.css
        └── reset.css

Future Improvements

In the future, I plan to improve this project by:

  • Adding a loading page to improve user experience.
  • Adding a blog section to share my thoughts and experiences as a frontend developer.
  • Implementing a search functionality to easily navigate through the projects.
  • Refactoring the project's structure, components, and styles code to make it more readable, clean, and reusable.
  • Improving the website's responsive design functionality to ensure it works well on all devices.
  • Adding more animations using GSAP or three.js to make the website more interactive and engaging.
  • Adding backend functionality to make it easier to edit the content and add more dynamic features.
  • Implementing accessibility features to make the website more inclusive.
  • Adding more projects to the portfolio.
  • Optimizing the images to improve website performance.
  • Implementing server-side rendering to improve the website's SEO.
  • Adding unit tests to the project components to ensure code quality.

Challenges Faced

  • Configuring i18n for localization of the website.
  • Determining the appropriate layout and content for each page.
  • Developing reusable components capable of handling various data types.
  • Implementing responsive design to support multiple screen sizes.
  • Selecting and testing appropriate CSS and animation libraries.
  • Deploying the website to production.