
This is a workshop for people who are thinking about speaking at WordPress events, such as WordPress Meetups and WordCamps.

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Imposter Syndrome [and Diversity Speaker Outreach]

We are keeping track of how many WP groups run the workshops this year. If you're planning on running it, please either let us know here or message @jillbinder on Slack.

This lesson needs to be created. Suggested we use ADA's Impostor Syndrome training at https://adainitiative.org/continue-our-work/impostor-syndrome-training/

Meetup Description

[If you are presenting this to a specific group, such as people who identify as women, optional sections to add are indicated in [square brackets].]

Many of us suffer from imposter syndrome: we feel certain that we don't actually belong here, that we are not very good at what we do, and that at any moment, everyone else is going to discover our failings.  You aren't alone if you have these thoughts, and this workshop will help you understand the roots of imposter syndrome and how it is stopping you from realizing your full potential.  We will discuss some techniques for moving beyond imposter syndrome to being able to fully take credit for our accomplishments.  [We will also discuss why is more likely to suffer from imposter syndrome.]

***You do NOT have to have any experience in public speaking. This workshop is for all levels of experience.

This workshop is for you if:

  • [You identify as {specific group}]
  • You think everyone else around you is far more skilled than you are at what you do
  • You’ve thought about getting up there to speak at Meetup or WordCamp, but are afraid you are not enough of an expert

This workshop is NOT for you if:

  • [You identify as {not specific group}]
  • [You don’t think it matters that there are very few {specific group} speakers at WordPress events]


  • What is imposter syndrome?
  • Writing exercises to help overcome imposter syndrome.


  • The venue has [elevators, ramps, etc.], [single stall washrooms for non-binary genders], [etc.].
  • Please don’t wear scents.

Prerequisite Skills

  • N/A


It’s recommended that you include a bulleted list of objective(s) for each lesson plan. Objectives should be worded as actions that the student can do once they’ve finished. Avoid using words like “know,” “understand,” “be introduced to,” etc.


  • Students will be able to identify the files required to make a theme.


  • Students will know the files required to make a theme.


A bulleted list of linked files/materials the instructor needs to teach the lesson plan.

Screening Questions

A list of evaluation questions for students to see if they have the skills necessary to learn and understand the lesson. These can be used as pre-screening questions on Meetup.

  • For example, have you ever used WordPress?

Teacher Notes

This section repeats from the Teacher Notes in Lesson 1. It's very important. Please read it.


The lesson, written in script form with screenshots and live demo instructions to be used by the instructor in a live classroom/workshop setting.

Section Heading for Workshop

You will likely need to break down the workshop into sections.

Section Heading 2 for Workshop

There can be short or specific activities that test an understanding and help you practice certain components of the lesson. They should not be fully scripted exercises, but rather something that you would do on your own. For example, you can create an exercise based on one step of the workshop.

Exercise name

Short description of what the exercise does and what skills or knowledge it reinforces.

  • Short point or step of the exercise
  • And another.


A short quiz for students to evaluate their retention of the material presented. Write out the question.

  1. Option
  2. Option
  3. Option
  4. Option

Answer 3. Correct answer  

Sign Up

Do this conclusion once per workshop lessons meetup

Thank you for attending today. We will be passing a sign up sheet (or you will receive an email). If you are interested in speaking at an event,  please sign up to let us know. This is not a commitment, but we will get in touch with you to discuss the possibility of speaking at an upcoming meetup or WordCamp.