
Code to automatically count cell progression through meiosis with Mad2-nG and cnm67-td

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This folder contains a jupyter notebook (Mad2nG_ndt80_analysis.ipynb), that explain how cells were detected and counted. It was used to define some specific parameters.

The Mad2nG_ndt80_analysis.py file goes through all the frame to obtain countings with more than a 100 cells. It is a modified version of the python notebook. Runned the script will create two .png files: Not_synchronized.png graph that display the countings of spindle pole bodies (SPBs) and Mad2-nG countings and synchronized.png that display the "in silico" synchronized countings to the apparition of 2 SPBs. It fit quit well the manual countings. Although I would need to count manually the cells detected and analyzed to give an exact accuracy %.

##Packages needed: Mahotas numpy matplotlib