The MathProgComplex
module is a tool for polynomial optimization problems with complex variables. These problems consist in optimizing a generic complex multivariate polynomial function, subject to some complex polynomial equality and inequality constraints.
The MathProgComplex
module enables:
- the manipulation of multivariate polynomials with complex numbers to construct polynomial optimization problems with complex variables (POP-C).
- the evaluation of polynomials, for example the objective and the constraints of a (POP-C) from points
- the resolution of a (POP-C) via a JuMP model
- the export of a (POP-C) to be solved using another language
The modules need to be accessible from julia's path to be loaded with the using
This can be done by running push!(LOAD_PATH, "location/of/modules")
, which will update the path for the current session.
The path can be updated at every start of a Julia session by adding the command to the .juliarc.jl
file, which should be located (or created) at the location given by homedir()
The MathProgComplex
environment provides a structure and methods for working with complex polynomial optimization problems subject to polynomial constraints. It is based on a polynomial environment that allows to work on polynomial objects with natural operations (+, -, *, conj, |.|^2).
- The base type is
: it is a structure with a name (a string) and a type (Complex, Real or Bool).
using MathProgComplex
a = Variable("a", Complex)
b = Variable("b", Real)
c = Variable("c", Bool)
From Variable
type, Exponent
and Polynomial
can be constructed by calling the respective constructors or with algebraic operations (+, -, *, conj, |.|).
- An
is a product ofVariables
expo1 = a*b
expo2 = conj(a)^3*b^5
expo3 = abs2(a) # =a*conj(a)
- A
is a sum ofExponents
times complex numbers.
p = 3*expo1 + (4+2im)*expo2 +2im*expo3
- The
type holds the variables at which polynomials can be evaluated.
- isconst, isone
- evaluate
- abs2, conj
- is_homogeneous: tests if p(exp(iϕ)X) = p(X) ∀X∈R^n, Φ∈R (phaseinvariant equation)
- cplx2real: convert the provided object to a tuple of real and imaginary part, expressed with real and imaginary part variables.
using MathProgComplex
a = Variable("a", Complex)
b = Variable("b", Real)
p = a*conj(a) + b + 2
# 2 + b + conj(a) * a
pt = Point([a, b], [1+2im, 1+im])
# a 1 + 2im
# b 1
pt = pt - Point([a], [1])
# a 0 + 2im
# b 1
val = evaluate(p, pt) # 7.0 + 0.0im
p_real, p_imag = cplx2real(p)
pt_r = cplx2real(pt)
val_real = evaluate(p_real, pt_r) # 7.0
val_imag = evaluate(p_imag, pt_r) # 0
structure holds aPolynomial
and complex upper and lower bounds. -
is made up of:- the collection of
s of the problem (updated internally), - a
objective, - several named
- the collection of
- get_objective, set_objective!
- get_variables, get_variabletype, has_variable, add_variable!
- get_constraint, get_constraints, has_constraint, constraint_type, add_constraint!, rm_constraint!
- get_slacks, get_minslack
- pb_cplx2real: converts the problem variables, objective and constraints to real expressions function of real and imaginary part of the original problem variables.
Here is a full example, more can be found in the examples
and test
using MathProgComplex
a = Variable("a", Complex)
b = Variable("b", Real)
p_obj = abs2(a) + abs2(b) + 2
p_cstr1 = 3a + b + 2
p_cstr2 = abs2(b) + 5a*b + 2
pb = Problem()
set_objective!(pb, p_obj)
add_constraint!(pb, "Cstr 1", p_cstr1 << (3+5im)) # 2 + (3.0)*a + b < 3 + 5im
add_constraint!(pb, "Cstr 2", (2-im) << p_cstr2 << (3+7im)) # 2 - 1im < 2 + (5.0)*a * b + b^2 < 3 + 7im
add_constraint!(pb, "Cstr 3", p_cstr2 == 0) # 2 + (5.0)*a * b + b^2 = 0
# ▶ variables: a b
# ▶ objective: 2 + conj(a) * a + b^2
# ▶ constraints:
# → Cstr 1: 2 + (3.0)*a + b < 3 + 5im
# → Cstr 2: 2 - 1im < 2 + (5.0)*a * b + b^2 < 3 + 7im
# → Cstr 3: 2 + (5.0)*a * b + b^2 = 0
pt_sol = Point([a, b], [1, 1+2im])
print("slack by constraint at given point:\n", get_slacks(pb, pt_sol))
# slack by constraint at given point:
# Cstr 1 -3.0 + 5.0im
# Cstr 2 -5.0 + 1.0im
# Cstr 3 -8.0 - 0.0im
The polynomial optimization problems can be converted into JuMP models or be exported into formatted text files to be used in another language.
m, JuMPvar = get_JuMP_cartesian_model(pb, solver)
The .dat
text format used in this module allows storing polynomial optimization problems in inary, Real or Complex variables, along with a scalar value for each variable (a point).
export_to_dat(pb, amplexportpath, point)
run_knitro(amplexportpath, amplscriptpath)