The OPFInstances
module allows for easily getting the absolute path of any instance stored in this archive. Curently, Matpower
and GOC
instances are included, and can respectively be found at the folders retruned by calling getinstancepath
Installation : Pkg.clone("https://github.com/JulieSliwak/OPFInstances.jl.git")
NOTE: This repository will include a function call for building the vanilla ACOPF rectangular model as soon as the corresponding code will be available.
using OPFInstances
getinstancepath("Matpower", "m", "case9") # ".../OPFInstances/instances/data_Matpower/matpower/case9.m"
getinstancepath("Matpower", "QCQP", "case9") # ".../OPFInstances/instances/data_Matpower/matpower_QCQP/case9.dat"
getinstancepath("GOC", "Phase_0_IEEE14", "scenario_4") # ".../OPFInstances/instances/data_GOC/Phase_0_IEEE_14/scenario_4"