
a tictactoe game; a small and simple program for Python beginners

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

TicTacToe Game

Welcome to play a tic-tac-toe game with the computer!

When you run the program and play tic-tac-toe, it's like this: tictactoeUI


git clone git@github.com:Juliecodestack/Tictactoe.git   
cd Tictactoe  
python tictactoe.py

Requirement: Please put tplus.py in the same file folder with tictactoe.py, for it contains the functions tictactoe.py needs to call.


I got inspired to write this program after reading Al Sweigart 's "Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python ". Many Thanks to @asweigart. His book helped me get more interested in Python and programming. You can find the Tictactoe code example in this book. Tictactoe is a good program for Python beginners to pratice. If you're interested in it, you can study my code and Al Sweigart's code example, and maybe you will get your own idea to write a new program.

It's a lot fun to "teach" the computer to play Tictactoe and then play with the smarter "computer student"!

Enjoy it!