
🕸️ Adonis gRPC client provider for easily communicate with gRPC services.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Adonis gRPC Consumer

Communicate easily with gRPC services in Adonis


npm i adonis-grpc-consumer
node ace configure adonis-grpc-consumer

Usage Example

First of all, you need to create a "proto" folder at the root of your Adonis project in which you will obviously store your protobuf definition files.

my-app/proto/myService.proto :

syntax = "proto3";
package my_service;

message Empty {}
service MyService {
  rpc SendMessage (SendMessageRequest) returns (Empty) {};

message SendMessageRequest {
  string message = 1;

Now you have to generate the type definitions for typescript. To do this, run :

npx build-proto --longs=String --enums=String --defaults --oneofs --grpcLib=@grpc/grpc-js --outDir=./proto/ ./proto/*.proto

build-proto is an executable from @grpc/proto-loader package ( proto-loader-gen-types ) that is embedded in adonis-grpc-consumer.

If everything went well, in my-app/proto/ you should find your TS definition files next to your .proto file.

Now we go back to Adonis, we will add our freshly created service as a consumable service, in config/grpc-consumer.ts :

let grpcConfig: GrpcConsumerConfig = {
  verbose: true,
  clients: [
      name: 'MY_SERVICE',
      options: {
        package: 'my_service',
        serviceName: 'MyService',
        protoPath: path.join(__dirname + '/../proto/myService.proto'),
        url: '', // Don't forget to add your service url here

export default grpcConfig

Try to launch your application, in case everything went well, you should see the following message (only with verbose: true):

[GRPC] Client MY_SERVICE connected !

To use our service and call the SendMessage function defined in the protobuf file, we do the following:

import GrpcConsumer, { grpc } from '@ioc:Adonis/Addons/GrpcConsumer'
import { MyServiceClient } from 'proto/my_service/MyService'

const client = GrpcConsumer.getClient<MyServiceClient>('MY_SERVICE')
client.SendMessage({ message: 'hello !' }, (error?: grpc.ServiceError) => {
    if (error) {