Smoothixir is a simple module that scraps the website to get a list of smoothies recipe.
This project is part of a tutorial that aims at showing how to do web scrapping using Elixir and two libraries: HTTPoison to fetch the page and Floki to parse HTML.
The tutorial was originally published on Medium :
if you want to run the code on your machine, use the following commands in your CLI:
git clone
assuming you have a working environment for elixir:
mix deps.get
then use the elixir interractive shell to play around with the project:
iex -S mix
I wrote a comprehensive documentation to help you understand the project. Simply run mix docs
and open /doc/index.html
in your browser.
This project was coded in March 2019 and might not be working in the future if changes its UI. However, as mentionned above the goal of this project is to show how to do webscraping using Elixir.