
Workarounds to handle `semantic-release-monorepo` multipublishing

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Workaround to handle semantic-release-monorepo multipublishing

Build Status npm (tag) dependencyStatus Maintainability Test Coverage js-standard-style

Migration proposal

This project provided invaluable experience in understanding how lerna and semantic-release work. Along with this came the realization that approach of combining needed to be changed. I wrote a short note on the evolution of these ideas. In my opinion, the best solution today is multi-semantic-release:

  • Much more robust and predictable.
  • Simple and maintainable.
  • Compatible with the latest versions of semrel and its plugins.
  • Supports parallel release flow (faster).
  • Brings an automatic update of cross-packages dependencies.
  • Project is used and supported as part of QIWI in-house development infrastructure (not sure if this is a positive point :-).

Thank you all for your feedback, PRs, downloads and stars.


  1. semantic-release does not support lerna-based repos aka monorepos out of box.
  2. semantic-release-monorepo can not release several packages at once: after the first sub-release it appends a new git version tag, so any next run finds no changes.
[Semantic release]: Found 0 commits for package *** since last release


  npm i -D semantic-release
  npm i -D semantic-release-monorepo
  npm i -D semantic-release-monorepo-hooks

and plugins:

  "devDependencies": {
    "@semantic-release/changelog": "^3.0.1",
    "@semantic-release/commit-analyzer": "^6.1.0",
    "@semantic-release/git": "7.0.5",
    "@semantic-release/github": "5.2.1",
    "@semantic-release/npm": "5.0.5",
    "@semantic-release/release-notes-generator": "7.1.2",
    "lerna": "^3.4.3",
    "semantic-release": "15.10.6",
    "semantic-release-monorepo": "6.1.1",
    "semantic-release-monorepo-hooks": "2.6.2",
    "semantic-release-plugin-decorators": "^2.0.0"


1. Configure .releaserc.js
  const hooks = require('semantic-release-monorepo-hooks')
  const output = hooks()
  module.exports = {
    branch: 'master',
    tagFormat: 'v${version}',
    prepare: [
        'path': '@semantic-release/git',
        'message': 'chore(' + output.package + '): release ${nextRelease.version} [skip ci]\n\n${nextRelease.notes}'
    publish: [
    verifyConditions: [
    monorepo: {
      analyzeCommits: [
      generateNotes: [
2. Configure .travis.yml
  provider: script
  skip_cleanup: true
    - yarn lerna exec --concurrency 1 "npx --no-install semantic-release -e semantic-release-monorepo" && node -e "require('semantic-release-monorepo-hooks').hookAfterAll()"
3. Configure env vars

GH_TOKEN and GH_USER must be declared for git push. See drop_last_tag.sh for details.


Hooks reverts some effects of previous semantic-release run and returns info map as a result:

    isModified: true,
    isLastModified: false,
    isLastRun: false,
    total: 5,
    processed: 1,
    modified: 2,
    modifiedPacks: [ '@qiwi/pijma-core', '@qiwi/pijma-desktop' ],
    package: '@qiwi/pijma-core',
    tag: 'v1.5.0\n',
    run: 1


Take a look at multi-semantic-release. With --execasync flag it produces the same effect but in a different way.