
Express library to create RESTfull API

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple yet powerfull Express library to build REST API using Express, MongoDB and Redis.


  • Easy to setup using environment variables
  • Custom middlewares for JSON Web Tokens, API Key and Secret, JSON-Schema validation.
  • Security by default, using helmet to protect your app
  • Simple HTTP error management using throw and stack.HttpError
  • Redis and MongoDB client included
  • Gracefull shutdown (Not Yet Implemented)
  • JSON Web Tokens utils like sign, verify, and refresh


  • Finish terminus support - Not planned for near future
  • Add application metrics - WIP
  • Add request counter - WIP
  • Add request logger - WIP
  • Transform utils.validateClaims into a middleware - Help needed

Quick Start


$ npm install @piigo/expresslib

Create .env

Create a new file named .env and then add the following text

mongoUrl=<Your MongoDB connection url, ex: localhost:27017>
redisUrl=<Your redis url under the format host:port, ex: localhost:6379>
redisAuth=<Redis password, ex: qwerty>

appHost=<Address on which the http server will listen, ex:>
appPort=<Port on which the http server will listen, ex: 80>

jwtSecretKey=<Secret key to sign your JWT with, should be at least of 256 bits (1 character = 8 bits), ex: qwerty>
jwtExpiresIn=<Amount of time that your JWT will be valid, ex: 10m>

tokensPrefix=<Prefix to use for every apiKey and apiSecret, ex: tokens.>


const stack = require("@piigo/expresslib");
const middlewares = stack.middlewares;

const schema = {
    $schema: "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema",
    type: "string",

const router = stack.router();
router.get("/", (req, res) => res.send("Hello world!"));
router.get("/needApiKey", middlewares.apiKey, (req, res) => res.send("Access authorized " + req.appId));
router.get("/needApiSecret", middlewares.apiSecret, (req, res) => res.send("Access authorized " + req.appId));
router.post("/mustFollowSchema", middlewares.validateBody(schema), (req, res) => res.send("Schema is valid"));
router.get("/error", (req, res) => {throw new stack.HttpError("cancelled", "It works")});




ExpressLib provides you with several middlewares


This middleware will check if there is an apiKey in either body or query parameters, fetch it's data in Redis and populates req.apiKeyData with it.

If one of those operations fails, a permission denied http error will be sent as result (if it's a redis error, it will be a http 500).

In order to create an API Key you just have to add a new key in redis (using SET) following this format: <tokensPrefix>.keys.<yourApiKey> and set anythings you want as a value. Just remeber that the middleware will not perform any kind of parsing or transformation on data. Here <tokensPrefix> refers to the tokensPrefix set in your configuration


This middleware will check if there is an apiSecret in either body or query parameters, fetch it's data in Redis and populates req.apiSecretData with it.

If one of those operations fails, a permission denied http error will be sent as result (if it's a redis error, it will be a http 500).

In order to create an API Secret you just have to add a new key in redis (using SET) following this format: <tokensPrefix>.secret.<yourApiKey> and set anythings you want as a value. Just remember that the middleware will not perform any kind of parsing or transformation on data. Here <tokensPrefix> refers to the tokensPrefix set in your configuration.


This middleware will check if a Json Web Token is present in either body or query paramaters, verify it's signature and populates req.jwt with the decoded token.

If one of those operations fails, a permission denied or invalid token error will be sent as result.

Signature verification is achieved using the provided JWT-utils, which it-self use the jwtSecretKey environment variable.

validation middlewares

ExpressLib provide 3 validation middlewares, they are all JSON-Schemasbased validators, but they works on differents parts of the request.

If it fails an invalid argument error will be sent with the details of what's wrong in the request.


This middleware will match the req.body using the provided json schema.


This middleware will match the req.query using the provided json schema.


This middleware will match any parameters using provided properties and schemas like this:

const bodySchema = {/* Your schema for body goes here */};
const querySchema = {/* Your schema for query goes here */};

router.get("/", validate({body: bodySchema, query: querySchema}), (req, res) => res.send("Valid schema"));


This middleware will match the req.body using the provided json schema. If it fails an invalid argument error will be sent with the details of what's wrong in the request.


This middleware is here as legacy, since it is now included in jwt. It's goal is to verify that the decoded token isn't blacklisted (when a user disconnect, change it's password, ...). If it is, then the request is rejected with a permission denied error.