
LWimager with connection to SASIR

Primary LanguageC++


This version of LWimager is used by the docker image at SASIR-docker (github.com/JulienNGirard/SASIR-docker

List of patched files:

U = updated file A = added file

Requirements for the compressed sensing mode to work (check out github.com/JulienNGirard/SASIR-library for building):

  • Header : CEA_comp_sens.h (put in /usr/include)
  • CEA library: libCEA_comp_sens.a (put in /usr/lib)

In order to insert the compressed sensing mode as a new "operation" of lwimager, some files need to be updated/added (which has already be done in this repository)

LWimager file alteration:

  1. Cmake files:

U CMakeLists.txt U synthesis/CMakeLists.txt A cmake/FindCEACompSens.cmake

  1. LWimager:

U- synthesis/apps/lwimager.cc # adding "compsens" input parameters & call

A- synthesis/MeasurementComponents/CoSeImageSkyModel.h # CS method header A- synthesis/MeasurementComponents/CoSeImageSkyModel.cc # CS method source

U- synthesis/MeasurementEquations/Imager.h # declaring CS method U- synthesis/MeasurementEquations/Imager.cc # adding "compsens" U- synthesis/MeasurementEquations/Imager2.cc # to implement the final convolution option of the image

U- synthesis/MeasurementEquations/ClarkCleanLatModel.h # (getPSFpatch made public)

Questions: julien.girard@cea.fr or 4m0nr3@gmail.com