
Simple blog starter template using Nuxt.js, GraphCMS and Sakura.css

Primary LanguageVue

Nuxt.js - GraphCMS - Sakura.css Blog Starter Template

A simple blog starter template using Nuxt.js, GraphCMS and Sakura.css.


  • Blog skeleton made with Nuxt.js Vue Framework
  • Uses Sakura.css alongside semantic HTML tags
  • GraphCMS enabled
  • Uses static target mode of Nuxt.js to provide great performance.

Getting Started

To set up and run this starter template, simply run:

yarn && yarn dev

Make sure to set the GRAPHCMS_ENDPOINT env variable.


# Run in dev mode
yarn dev

# Run in production mode
yarn generate && yarn start


I have written an article on how to build from scratch and deploy this starter template, check it out.


project root
│   nuxt.config.js // Nuxt.js configuration file
│   │   navbar.vue // Simple navbar component, included in the default.vue layout
│   │   default.vue // Default layout to be used in templates
│   │   _slug.vue // Template to show one article, based on it's slug
│   │   index.vue // Used to show all articles
    │   graphcms.js // Contains basic configuration to use GraphQL requests