Activity 005: Criating a new game

🤔)What is the purpose?

This project is being developed by Universidade do Estado do Amazonas's students for a disciplinary activity

🧙🏽‍♂️) Elden Blocks

This game has the influence of the medieval universe of several games and the mechanics of the old game BREAKOUT, but with some powers to make the game more fun and complex.

🕹️) How to play

You will need to have installed Git and Python, then:

# 1. Create a folder just for Elden Blocks;

# 2. Go to "Git Bash Here" and clone it;
$ git clone

# 3. Don't forget to access the project folder to always receive any updates;
$ cd atividade_05_projeto_BBD
to receive updates just:
$ git pull

🎮) Controls

To left To right

✒️) Authors

Emanoel Cardoso

Júlio Cesar

Manuela Bastos

Renan Cena

Tiago Farias