
  "🗃️": "0,000,000,001",
  "💬": "I'm a designer that love to write code 24/7",
  "🌱": "OpenCV, PCB and hypervisor (also known as a virtual machine monitor, VMM, or virtualizer)",
  "🤔": "How to automate my 3D printing or build VR/AR apps",
  "⚡": (
                   { "🗃️": "01", "title":"code", "skill_list": "GraphQL, CSS, JavaScript, Processing (P5.JS), Docker"},
                   { "🗃️": "02", "title":"design", "skill_list": "Lunacy, Blender 3D, VR Scene build in WebVR"},
                   { "🗃️": "03", "title":"IoT", "skill_list": "Soldering, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, ESP32"}
  "team": "WaWaWa",


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