AWARE Plugin: Google Fused Location

Google's Fused Locations API. This plugin provides the user's current location in an energy efficient way.



  • status_google_fused_location: (boolean) activate/deactivate plugin
  • frequency_google_fused_location: (integer) How frequently to fetch user's location (in seconds)
  • max_frequency_google_fused_location: (integer) How fast are you willing to get the latest location (in seconds). Set it smaller/same as the previous frequency.
  • accuracy_google_fused_location: (integer) One of the following numbers:
    • 100 (high power): uses GPS only - works best outdoors, highest accuracy
    • 102 (balanced): uses GPS, Network and Wifi - works both indoors and outdoors, good accuracy
    • 104 (low power): uses only Network and WiFi - poorest accuracy, medium accuracy
    • 105 (no power) - scavenges location requests from other apps


ACTION_AWARE_LOCATIONS Broadcasted when we have a new location, with the following extras:

  • data: (Location) latest location information


Locations Data


Field Type Description
_id INTEGER primary key auto-incremented
timestamp REAL unix timestamp in milliseconds of sample
device_id TEXT AWARE device ID
double_latitude REAL the location’s latitude, in degrees
double_longitude REAL the location’s longitude, in degrees
double_bearing REAL the location’s bearing, in degrees
double_speed REAL the speed if available, in meters/second over ground
double_altitude REAL the altitude if available, in meters above sea level
provider TEXT gps, network, fused
accuracy INTEGER the estimated location accuracy
label TEXT Customizable label. Useful for data calibration and traceability