- app: This folder contains the main application logic. It is where you'll write most of your code.
- controllers: This folder holds the controllers that handle requests and responses. Controllers are responsible for processing user input, interacting with models, and returning the appropriate response to the client.
- models: This folder contains the data models for your application. Models represent the entities in your system and handle interactions with the database or other data sources.
- views: This folder stores the templates or views for rendering HTML or other response formats. Views are responsible for presenting the data to the user in a structured and visually appealing manner.
- config: This folder is used to store configuration files for your application. It can include files such as database configurations, environment variables, or any other application-specific configuration settings.
- routes: The routes folder contains the route definitions for your application's endpoints. Routes define the URLs that users can access and specify which controller methods should be invoked for each route.
- utils: This folder can be used to store utility functions or helper modules. Utility functions are reusable functions that provide common functionality across your application. They can include functions for handling validations, formatting data, or performing common operations.
- tests: The tests folder is used for writing test cases for your application. Tests help ensure that your application behaves as expected and can catch bugs or regressions. You can write unit tests for individual functions or integration tests that cover multiple components.
- public: This folder is where you can place static files like CSS, JavaScript, or images. These files can be directly accessed by the client without going through the backend logic. It is typically used for serving static assets or client-side resources.