
Easily show beautiful snack bars directly using overlays. Create custom snack bars and show them with awesome animations.

Primary LanguageDartGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A Flutter package to show beautiful animated snackbars directly using overlay.


  • Material-UI

  • Colorized rectangle

  • Dark rectangle

Getting started

Add package to pubspec.yaml

flutter pub add animated_snack_bar

Import the package

import 'package:animated_snack_bar/animated_snack_bar.dart';


  • Show material ui snackbar
    'This a snackbar with info type',
    type: AnimatedSnackBarType.info,
  • Show colorized rectangle snackbar
  'This is a success snack bar',
  type: AnimatedSnackBarType.success,
  brightness: Brightness.light,
  • Show dark rectangle snackbar
  'This is a success snack bar',
  type: AnimatedSnackBarType.success,
  brightness: Brightness.dark,
  • Show a custom snackbar
    builder: ((context) {
        return Container(
            padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8),
            color: Colors.amber,
            height: 50,
            child: const Text('A custom snackbar'),
  • Changning snackbar pushing position
    'This a snackbar with info type',
    type: AnimatedSnackBarType.info,
    mobileSnackBarPosition: MobileSnackBarPosition.bottom, // Position of snackbar on mobile devices
    desktopSnackBarPosition: DesktopSnackBarPosition.topRight, // Position of snackbar on desktop devices
  • Change snack bar position for mobile
    'This a snackbar with info type',
    type: AnimatedSnackBarType.info,
    mobilePositionSettings: const MobilePositionSettings(
      topOnAppearance: 100,
      // topOnDissapear: 50,
      // bottomOnAppearance: 100,
      // bottomOnDissapear: 50,
      // left: 20,
      // right: 70,

Multiple snack bars handling

You can pass snackBarStrategy as a paramter to determine what should snack bar do with snackbars which came before it.

  • Should it be shown on them like column? use ColumnSnackBarStrategy
  • Should it remove them? use RemoveSnackBarStrategy
  • Should it just stack on them? use StackSnackBarStrategy