
A native module for trimmer video and compress video fastest

Primary LanguageJava


This is a native module use for compress and trimmer video for android solution.


First step:

Copy 2 pakage compassvideo + trimmer follow url: "android/app/src/main/java/com/apptest/" And paste in your project. Don't forget change your pakage import on top.



+ import your-pakage-name.compassvideo.ComparePackage;
+ in List<ReactPakage> getPackages
  add more new ComparePackage().

- To use native library you have to import native modules react-native

import { NativeModules, DeviceEventEmitter } from 'react-native'

const { CompareVideo, TRIMVIDEO } = NativeModules

Compare(uri) function

 Function Solution
 Compress video function
 on my project, I only need video about 3->5mb with video 15second.
 you can edit quality for video in function CompareVideo/Compare()
 bitrate hash code: ~ 2*1000*1000
getThumbnailVideo(uri, perTime) function
 get asset thumbnail video with video 1.30p take about 5 second (with 1s/image)
 perTime -> seconds
 get a picture at time in Video, you can pass input with time is any in duration of video
getDurationCallBack(source) function
 Get Duration video
trimVideo(source, startTime, endTime) fucntion
In Trim video you can get progress with solution event DeviceEventEmitter in React Native
Note: the name "proGress"is obligatory. you can edit it in class CompareVideo

this.subscription = DeviceEventEmitter.addListener('proGress', value => {
    console.log('value', value)

More than in example/index.js