
deploy process

'WARNING' - string across files is flag that warns, pay attention if that string need to be changed

share story

when text for story is new or meta data for shared page is changed, share files should be generated.

cd /dev ruby reshare.rb

  • this process will delete folder share under each locale folder ex: en/share,
  • then recreates it and generate shared files (ex: the-poet.html) with new names based on latinized title.
  • assets/js/meta.js file is recreated to have array of latinized titles for each language
  • dev/share_template.erb.html file is used as template for generating html

image paths

/assets/images/share/[1..N].png and one fb.png for whole site

Warning: if story count changed varibale story_count should be changed accordingly


application has developer mode, which can be accessed by localhost/dev url

In this mode index.html behaves like template, it has no content just i18n properties that link to locale/[en|ka|ru].js file. By default it uses 'en' locale, so whenever page is reloaded those properties are replaced with appropriate text ( default locale can be edited in I18n.js file var default_locale = "en";). In main.js/init function for dev mode comment deploy and production blocks.


  • site url on production deploy in assets/locale/{locale}.js files should be updated to have instead of http://dev-eliava.jumpstart.ge real production url
  • generate share story files
  • comment dev and production block in main.js/init function, only deploy block should be uncommented
  • generate main.min.css minified version via http://csscompressor.com/ based on main.css file
  • generate main.min.js minified version via based on main.js file
  • in dev/index.html change main.css to main.min.css
  • in dev/index.html comment scripts in the bottom which are ticked with comments deploy start end, comment whole text
  • ['en', 'ka', 'ru'].forEach {locale}
    • enter {locale} folder and replace index.html's all text with next line <!DOCTYPE html>
    • change I18n.js var default_locale = "{locale}";
    • in browser call localhost/dev
    • in browser devtools go to Elements tab, select tag -> Edit as Html -> Copy whole text
    • open {locale}/index.html and append text
    • < replace with <; > replace with >
    • remove last script that is under comment
    • uncomment previously commented text (I18n.js script can be deleted not tested but it should work)
    • if it is production change addthis id
  • In main.js/init function comment all except block for production
  • In case any asset (css, js, image, sound) was changed for client browser to refresh all assets change asset version.
    • generate new version based on current date (new Date()).getTime() ex: 1474438073705
    • replace current version (1478327947603) to new for all files

In case

  • if story structure that is visible in story popup will change, you can use story.dev(); function to generate that text it will be outputed in console, but change specific variables before (ex: story.count). make first story active add class .active to .story
  • if audio track amount or range between which audio is played changed, you can generate panorama.audio.play_range array, use comments in panorama.audio.dev() function, but change specific variables before (ex: panorama.audio.count)

Layer logic

  • we have 5 panels, that when join creates full panorama
  • each rendered panel consist of two svg files
    • one that is background and is in /assets/images/panels/bg/p[1-5].svg
    • and another that is foreground with all objects and sub layers /assets/images/panels/fg/p[1-5].svg that is on top of background
    • (there is div.surface between them, it's purpose to drag layers
  • there is a difference between how this two svg's are rendered, background are inserted via object tag where foreground as inline svg
  • each foreground svg file can have one or more stories
  • if you open foreground svg file, under svg you will see one or couple tags with id="story#"
  • each story group have (except big story where inner multiple objects will be grouped differently)
    • one white cutout of object
    • one cutout with drawing
    • one colored object
  • template: <g id="story1"> <image class="layer-colored" data-story="1"></image> </g> old <g id="story1"> <path class="layer-empty"/> <g class="layer-anim"> <image class="layer-drawing"></image> <image class="layer-colored" data-story="1"></image> </g> </g>
  • naming in raw svg is different so, if panel updated this should be cleaned and fixed by hand
  • in raw file story group has id, white layer has id layer0, drawing has id layer1 and colored id layer1