
A tool to build interactive mixed-media stories

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

JumpStart Georgia's StoryBuilder


StoryBuilder is a web application that allows users to build mixed-media stories that can then be shared with the world. You can try StoryBuilder out for yourself here.

The idea for this application came after viewing mixed-media stories like this New York Times story. We wanted to be able to create stories like this without having to start from scratch for every story. We wanted to be able to quickly put interactive, mixed-media stories together without having to require a lot of designer or developer time. That is the goal of this application.

How It Works

StoryBuilder is similar to a blog editor like wordpress or tumblr, but at this point is still a little rustic. In essence, StoryBuilder allows you to add content, images, and/or videos into sections in a story that can be ordered however you want.

Right now there are four types of sections that can be created:

  • Text: Simple text with a rich-text editor like Word or Google Docs.
  • Embed Online Media: Add online video and audio from sites like youtube, vimeo and soundcloud.
  • Full-Screen Media: This can be a combination of images and/or videos that will appear on the screen in a vertical slider format, one after the other. The media is stretched to fill the users entire window and a small caption text can appear ontop of the media.
  • Image Slideshow: Images in a simple horizontal slideshow.

Aside from building the story, you also have the ability to:

  • clone a story as the beginning of a new story
  • download a story so you can host it on any website
  • embed a pretty link to the story
  • embed the full story
  • invite others to help collaborate on the story
  • share a private URL to allow others to review your story before it is published


You will need to install the following programs:

  • imagemagick - to process the uploaded images and create all of the different sizes required
  • ffmpeg - to process video into a format suitable for use in an HTML5 video tag (install instructions here)
  • exiftool - to check if video has audio (install with: sudo apt-get install libimage-exiftool-perl)
  • cron jobs - to send notifications and to process videos

You will need the following Environment Variables set:

  • STORY_BUILDER_FROM_EMAIL - email address to send all emails from
  • STORY_BUILDER_FROM_PWD - password of above email address
  • STORY_BUILDER_TO_EMAIL - email address to send feedback form messages to
  • STORY_BUILDER_ERROR_TO_EMAIL - email address to send application errors to
  • STORY_BUILDER_FACEBOOK_APP_ID - Facebook is one of the options for logging in to the system and you must have an app account created under facebook developers. This key stores the application id.
  • STORY_BUILDER_FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET - This key stores the facebook application secret.
  • STORY_BUILDER_DISQUS - Disqus is used for the commenting system and your unique website key is stored here
  • STORY_BUILDER_BITLY_TOKEN - bit.ly generic access token (get from here) used to shorten URLs to published stories
  • STORY_BUILDER_BITLY_TOKEN_DEV - same as above, but for use in testing environments
  • STORY_BUILDER_ADDTHIS_PROFILEID - addthis.com profile ID (get from here) to use the addthis share tools
  • STORY_BUILDER_ADDTHIS_PROFILEID_DEV - same as above, but for use in testing environments
  • DETECT_LANGUAGE_API_KEY - Language Detection API key for determining the language a story is written in

To Do List

Short Term Tasks

  • create a more wizard like process for building the story
  • add ability to drag and drop section for re-arranging
  • users can create groups and have their own page to show their published works
  • add ability to create one story in multiple languages
  • ability to log in with something other than facebook

Long Term Tasks

  • add ability to include interactive maps
  • add ability to include charts
  • add ability to include data tables
  • store the media on Amazon S3 cloud or something similar
  • have multiple themes to select from
  • be able to edit colors, fonts, etc
  • select from different transitions between sections

Version History


We did so much work on this release that bumping the version to 1.0 felt appropriate. Most of the focus was spent on the experience of finding and reading stories. Some time was spent on the form for building the stories, but a complete overhaul of the story building system is needed and will be the focus of our next major release.

Here is a list of the new features.

General Features:

  • applied much nicer theme to the site
  • added notification system to alert you when new stories are published, your story is selected as a staff pick, comments are made, etc
  • allow users to follow other users and receive notifications when new stories are published
  • added RSS feed of all published stories

Story Building Features:

  • can customize url to story
  • can write summary of story (this is used on home page and when sharing in facebook)
  • added ability to indicate what language your story is in (allows users to filter on home page)
  • added categories to stories
  • added tags to stories
  • added ability to include online media (embed youtube, vimeo, soundcloud, etc)
  • can invite other users to be a collaborator on your story

Story Features:

  • can search, filter and sort published stories on home page
  • added story read counter
  • added share links
  • added comments
  • added like button
  • can embed stories in two formats: a pretty link or the full story
  • using bit.ly to create short URLs to published stories

User Settings Features:

  • can load an avatar for yourself
  • can customize url to user page
  • can write summary about self and this appears on your user page
  • can indicate the default language for your stories
  • can indicate which notifications you wish to receive
  • each user has their own page to show their published works


  • added horizontal image gallery section
  • added help text to forms
  • translated site completely into Georgian
  • moved all media files (images, videos, audio) into one table
  • started process for having multiple templates - right now only one template exists


  • create a more appealing landing page
  • applied user authorization
  • ability to clone a story so it can be used as the start of a new story
  • ability to export a story so it can be hosted on any website
  • can assign users to edit your story


You read the license here.