
Scraper of Makler.ge

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Makler.ge Scraper

This program scrapes real estate data from the site makler.ge and saves it to a database.

Getting Started

  1. bundle install
  2. cp .env.example .env
  3. Fill in .env variables. Unless you set ENVIRONMENT to production, emails will be sent to mailcatcher and you can use any fake email addresses you want.
  4. Create mysql database and database user specified in .env.
  5. Optional: Load data in from compressed database file (real-estate.sql.gz). See section The Data below.


  • rake scraper:run -> Run the scraper!
  • rake scraper:schedule:run_daily -> Schedule a cron job to run rake scraper:run every day at 4 AM.


No automatic test suite, but you can use

rake scraper:test_run

to manually test the scraper. Differences include:

  • ENVIRONMENT cannot be set to production
  • Only 20 ads will be scraped
  • Emails will be sent to mailcatcher
  • Database dump and status.json will not be pushed to github

How it Works

When you run the scraper, the following happens:

  1. Choose Ads to Scrape: The scraper checks the database for the last scraped date. It grabs the IDs for all postings posted on and after that date, and then saves posts not already in the database to ids_to_process in status.json.
  2. Scrape Ads: Requests are sent to makler.ge to the ads listed in ids_to_process and are saved as data.json files in the data folder.
  3. Save Ads to Database: The ad info in the new data.json files are saved to the database.
  4. Update Github with New Data: The database is dumped to real-estate.sql.gz and pushed to github, along with the new status.json file.
  5. Send Email Report on Scraper Run: A report about the scrape run, including basic statistics and logged errors, is sent to the recipient specified in the .env file.

The Data

The database is pushed with every scrape run to the github repo. That means you can use what others have already scraped to start out your database of makler.ge real estate data. However, because updating github is built into the app, you will have to do one of the following:

  1. Setup your own origin repo on github to receive your new scrape data.
  2. Disable pushes to github.