
Dockerized text to speech

Primary LanguagePython

Dockerized text to speach


Read out text (text-to-speach), auto-detecting the input language


To use the docker image, first pull the image using

`docker pull jumpst3r/text2speech

And then execute

docker run -it --rm -v /FULL_PATH_TO/example.txt:/input/example.txt -v /FULL_PATH_TO_OUTPUT_FOLDER/:/output/ jumpst3r/text2speech sh /input/script.sh /input/example.txt /output/

where /FULL_PATH_TO/example.txt corresponds to the local path of the input text file.

The output consists of:

  • An audio file containing the spoken text

The docker image is also compatible with DIVAServices a web-based framework providing streamlined access to DOI methods.