Detecting grasping positions with deep neural networks using RGB images
Use grasp_detection for training model. This is for test. grasp_detection Link :
Most of the files in this repo is from his work except
- loads pretrained model in
you may change the path in
I recommand you to train model with Juna2/grasp_detection(which is also modified version of robot-grasp-detection) first and copy the model to the path.
How to use
$ catkin_make
$ roslaunch ros_grasp_detection
It subscribes "/croppedRoI" message which is 224x224 object image and publishes "/objects" which contains center x, y and degree. So you have to use another package to publish 224x224 object image to this package.
The grasp detection result will be saved in
- One Thing you should know is that this uses the model trained by modified robot-grasp-detection which is Juna2/grasp_detection.