
This repo contains code of Qt Cpluplus for Complaint Management System.

Primary LanguageC++

Application Management System made in Qt C++ GUI

This system is developed by:

Junaid Saleem
Muhammad Taimoor
Muneeb Bin Nasir
Hamza Faraz

The Complaint Management System (CMS) developed by our team is a GUI-based application designed to facilitate efficient communication between students and teachers. It consists of two interfaces—a student login and a teacher login—providing specific functionalities tailored to their respective roles.

Functionality Overview
⦁ Application Creation: Students can create applications within the system, which are then sent to the teacher for review.
⦁ View Sent Applications: Students can also view the status of applications previously submitted.
⦁ Login Validation: Students access the system using their registration number, ensuring secure authentication.
⦁ Login Credentials: Teachers log in using a username and password for access control.
⦁ Application Review: Teachers can view applications submitted by their students, having the ability to accept or deny them using radio buttons, facilitating a streamlined approval process.
⦁ Student Management: Teachers have options to add new students to their class and delete existing ones, maintaining class records efficiently.

Applications and Benefits
The LMS offers several benefits for effective communication and management within an educational environment:
⦁ Streamlined Application Process: Students can easily submit applications, and teachers can efficiently review and respond to them.
⦁ Centralized Communication: It provides a centralized platform for communication between teachers and students, streamlining interactions and reducing administrative overhead.
⦁ Student Management: Teachers can manage their class roster effectively, adding or removing students as needed.
⦁ Secure Authentication: The login system ensures security by allowing only registered students to access the platform.

Team Contributions
⦁ Muhammad Taimoor: Led the backend coding using Qt Creator in C++, spending around 15 hours on the project.
⦁ Junaid Saleem: Contributed significantly to file handling implementation and integrated it into our custom widget-based application. Also, developed the major portion of the GUI.
⦁ Hamza Faraz: Focused on enhancing the GUI's visual appeal and usability, improving the overall user experience.
⦁ Muneeb Bin Nasir: Contributed by offering design improvement ideas and working on the technical documentation for the project.

Project Development
⦁ Time Invested: Collectively, the team dedicated over 20 hours across multiple sessions spanning 2-3 days to complete the project.
⦁ Collaborative Effort: Taimoor's extensive backend work was supported by Junaid, while Hamza and Muneeb focused on the visual aspects and documentation, respectively.

The Application Management System developed by our team presents a comprehensive solution for effective communication and management between teachers and students. Its intuitive interface and functionalities streamline application processes and facilitate secure, centralized communication within an educational setting.

Note: The application's success is attributed to the collective effort and collaboration of all team members—Taimoor, Junaid, Hamza, and Muneeb—who contributed their expertise to develop a robust and user-friendly system.

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