
Modular Monolith: Movie Reviewer

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Challenge Week 10 - Movie Reviewer

In this challenge, we will build a movie reviewer API with modular monolith design pattern. This pattern organizes an application into separate, independently manageable modules, enhancing code reusability and maintainability.

This project have three modules: movie, review, and user module. Your task is to complete the project based on the challenge objectives.


  1. Add userId validation by calling UserService.getUserById, TODO
  2. Add movieId validation by calling MovieService.getMovieById, TODO TODO
  3. Validate review uniqueness, so it can't be written twice for each userId and movieId, TODO
  4. Include property movieTitle on getMovieReviews by joining table review and movie using sequelize, TODO

Postman Collection


How to Submit

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Clone forked repository
  3. Create a new branch: git checkout -b solution
  4. Install dependencies: npm install
  5. Create a folder of your nickname: mkdir nickname
  6. Copy files from the challenge directory to your own folder
  7. Copy .env.example to .env
  8. Complete the objectives
  9. Run your server using node yourfolder/src/index.js
  10. Commit and push your changes
  11. Create a Pull Request to original repository
