Challenge Week 5 - Database Querying

Case 1 - Join Query

In the database, there is a table named "USER" that consists of three columns: ID, UserName, and Parent. Here's the explanation:

  • The ID column serves as the Primary Key.
  • The UserName column represents the name of the user.
  • The Parent column contains the ID of the user who acts as the creator for a specific user.

For example:

ID UserName Parent
1 Ali 2
2 Budi 0
3 Cecep 1

Please write an SQL Query to retrieve data in the following format:

ID UserName ParentUserName
1 Ali Budi
2 Budi null
3 Cecep Ali

Note: The ParentUserName column contains the username based on the value in the Parent column.

Case 2 - SQL Sub Query

You are working with a database for an e-commerce platform that has two tables: "Customers" and "Orders". The "Customers" table stores information about customers, including their CustomerID, Name, and Email. The "Orders" table stores information about customer orders, including OrderID, CustomerID (which references the CustomerID in the Customers table), OrderDate, and TotalAmount.

For example:

Customers Table:

ID Name Email
1 Alice
2 Bob
3 Carol
4 Dave

Orders Table:

ID CustomerID OrderDate TotalAmount
101 1 2023-01-05 50.00
102 1 2023-02-10 30.00
103 2 2023-03-15 75.00
104 3 2023-04-20 40.00
105 3 2023-05-25 60.00
106 2 2023-06-30 20.00
107 4 2023-07-05 90.00

Please write an SQL query to find the names of customers using sub-query who have placed the highest number of orders in the following format. In case of a tie, list all customers with the same highest number of orders.


Note: In the example data, Alice, Bob, and Carol have each placed two orders, which is the highest number of orders among customers. Therefore, all three names should be listed in alphabetical order.

How to Submit

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Clone forked repository
  3. Create a new branch git checkout -b solution
  4. Install dependencies npm install
  5. Create a folder of your nickname mkdir nickname
  6. Copy cases in challenges directory to your own folder
  7. Commit and push your changes
  8. Create a Pull Request to original repository