
This is an implementation of hand gesture recognition using DGNN model.

Primary LanguagePython


Created: October 9, 2021 3:41 PM


This is an implementation of hand gesture recognition using DGNN model. DGNN is proposed by the paper "Skeleton-Based Action Recognition with Directed Graph Neural Networks" in CVPR 2019. The code is based on the unofficial Pytorch implementation of DGNN: DGNN-PyTorch


  • Python >= 3.5
  • scipy >= 1.3.0
  • numpy >= 1.16.4
  • PyTorch >= 1.1.0

Directory Structure

  • generate_data: how raw datasets are processed, split into training and validating sets and saved into .npy files
  • graph: the definition of directed hand graph
  • models: the definition of DGNN model structure
  • feeders/feeder.py: how datasets are read in
  • utils/trainer.py: code for the training and validating processes
  • main.py: set up training

Downloading & Generating Data

DHG-14/28 dataset

  1. The DHG14/28 dataset can be downloaded from here

  2. After downloading, unzip it and put the folder DHG2016 to the base folder

    The structure of folder DHG2016 should be like:

    |   +---finger_1
    |  |   +---subject_1
    |  |  |   +---essai_1
    |  |  |   |
    |  |  |   |   depth_1.png
    |  |  |   |   depth_2.png
    |  |  |   |   ...
    |  |  |   |   depth_N.png
    |  |  |   |   general_information.txt
    |  |  |   |   skeleton_image.txt
    |  |  |   |   skeleton_world.txt
    |  |  |   |
    |  |  |   \---essai_2
    |  |  |   ...
    |  |  |   \---essai_5
    |  |   \---subject_2
    |  |   ...
    |  |   \---subject_20
    |   \---finger_2
  3. Then in generate_data, run generate_joint_data.py as follows to generate joint data:

    python3 generate_joint_data.py --troncage_file "./DHG2016/informations_troncage_sequences.txt"

    After that, the traning and validating joint data files, and their corresponding label files in npy format can be found in the data folder.

  4. Then in generate_data, run generate_bone_data.py as follows to generate joint data:

    python3 generate_bone_data.py

    After that, the traning and validating joint data files in npy format can be found in the data folder.

  5. Run generate_rotation_data.py and generate_rotation_motion_data.py to produce rotation information to replace bone information in directed graphs.

Definition of directed graph for hand skeleton

According to the paper, we defined the directed graph for the hand skeleton of DHG14/28 dataset as follows:


  • joint number: 22

  • bone number: 21

    directed_edges = [(i, j) for i, j in [
        (1,18),(18,19),(19,20),(20,21),(0,0) # (0,0) is to keep the tensor size same as the joint tensor

The original source and target matrices are visualized as follows:




python3 main.py --mode 'train'

Use —help to know about arguments you can play with.


To test some model weights (by default saved in ./checkpoints/), do:

python3 main.py --mode 'validate' --resume "./checkpoints/model.pth"

If to train and validate the two-stream model, run the function train_TwoStreamDGNN under if __name__ == '__main__':



  • Add two-steam DGNN model √