Aeva-Blackbox-Backdoor-Detection (ICLR 2022)

The code for: Detecting Backdoors in Black-box Neural Networks via Adversarial Extreme Value Analysis (ICLR 2022)


We appreciate your interest in AEVA: Detecting Backdoors in Black-box Neural Networks via Adversarial Extreme Value Analysis and use our code.

Adversarial Value Analysis

AEVA Framework

The detailed instructions are shown below.


Our code is implemented using Keras with TensorFlow backend. Following packages are required.



Our code is tested on Python 3.8.3

We include a sample script demonstrating how to perform Aeva on an backdoor-infected model. There are several parameters that need to be set before running the code:

On GPU device: if you are using GPU, specify which GPU you would like to use by setting the DEVICE variable via

os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0"

If you want to test the code on your own models, please specify the path to the model varialble in

Results in the Paper

To understand the performance of AEVA on backdoor-infected model with a single infected label, we here use CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 two models (ResNet) to show the peformance of AEVA, since CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 datasets can be easily accessed in Keras. Specifically, for each task, we store a backdoor-infected model in the "saved_models" package. Each model is embedded with a 4x4 backdoor square.

For example, you can access CIFAR-10 model throuhg:

import tensorflow.keras as keras

Notably, we preprocess each sample into [0,1].

To obtain the adversarial perturbations for CIFAR-10 using AEVA, you can run:

python -u --sp 0 --ep 10 --cuda 0 --task cifar10

Similarly, for CIFAR-100 :

python -u --sp 0 --ep 100 --cuda 0 --task cifar100

You can also investigate the impact for the number of the infected label through modifying "--sp" and "--ep". The default number of samples used for AEVA is 40.

The adversarial perturbations are stored in the "cifar10_adv_per" or "cifar100_adv_per" two packages.

To further calculate the anomaly index for each label, we can run after setting the path for stored adversarial perturbations:


The results will give us the Global Adversarial Peak(GAP) and anomaly index for each label. For example:

Global Adversarial Peak(GAP): [0.14533126 0.08231069 0.06113102 0.06526258 0.06199296 0.06474132
 0.05325177 0.06903553 0.09275569 0.07373303]
Anomaly Index: [ 8.36901293  1.62297756 -0.64420006 -0.20193759 -0.55193415 -0.25773579
 -1.48763492  0.20193759  2.7410618   0.70478146]

From above results, we can find that the first label deemed as the infected (i.e., anomaly index larger than 4).

Results for Dynamic Backdoor triggers

Due to the space constraint, we include four models infected with dynamic and non-compact backdoor triggers in "saved_models/Dynamic_backdoor_model/". We upload remaining 6 backdoor infected models in The results for one of ResNet-44 model are shown as:

Global Adversarial Peak(GAP):[0.36433247 0.16292 0.18040664 0.20698954 0.20037229 0.16336469
 0.17756703 0.17803021 0.16818275 0.17449666]
Anomaly Index:[10.46289861 -0.8345591   0.14628692  1.63735197  1.26618296 -0.80961594
 -0.01299003  0.01299003 -0.53936558 -0.18521095]


If you find our implementaion is helpful, please cite:

title={{AEVA}: Black-box Backdoor Detection Using Adversarial Extreme Value Analysis},
author={Junfeng Guo and Ang Li and Cong Liu},
booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},