Docker Compose Demo

Docker Compose allows users to orchestrate multiple Docker containers that can talk to one another.

This repository contains a docker-compose.yml file starting the following containers:

  • postgres - a PostgreSQL database housing a toy dataset
  • api - a mock prediction API (built as a responder app). In a real world setting this API could, for instance, run an input data point through a previously trained machine learning model and return a prediction.
  • dash - a simple Dash dashboard that reads data from postgres and runs them trough the prediction api.
  • jnb- a Jupyter lab environment to run Jupyter notebooks being able to read/write data from postgres, run data through the api and so on.


To run Docker Compose:

docker-compose up --build

The Jupyter lab server is available at:

The dashboard is then available at:

Airflow is available at:

Superset is available at:

Shutdown and remove containers:

docker-compose down

To clean up unused containers, images, networks

docker system prune

Adding --volumes also removes volumes.