
A Dungeon Crawler-Esque game made with vanilla JavaScript and Canvas

Primary LanguageJavaScript


JSproject is a 2D dungeon crawler game, where the player controls a character through a dungeon to discover new skills that will help them throughout their exploration. Players can unlock new weapons, skills, and hearts to increase their maximum health.

Functionality & MVP

Players will be able to:

  • Start, pause, restart, and exit the game.
  • Move their character using either the W,S,A,D or Arrow keys
  • Fire their weapon of choice or use their skills with spacebar
  • Switch betweeen 2 different types of weapon
  • Switch between difficulties
  • The game will include instructions in the options menu


alt text

Architecture and Technology

Technologies used:

  • Javascript for the game logic
  • Canvas for implementing player movement, monster movement, and projectile movement
  • HTML and CSS for design


  • game.js will hold all aspects of the game and game logic
  • player.js handles all player based logic including control and player animations
  • weapons.js handles the logic behind all weapons
  • monster.js handles the logic behind all the unique monsters and boss including their movement and skills
  • skill.js handles the logic behind all the skills obtained by the player


Day 1: Setup webpack and make sure the game is able to render on the browser

  • Make sure the characeter, ui, and dungeon renders on canvas
  • Research how to randomize monster placement and movement
  • Research how to incorporate various types of projectiles into the game

Day 2: Build controls and incorporate character movement with user input & Monster movement

  • make sure the character responds to user input
  • ensure character movement speed varies based on different velocity
  • randomize monster movement and make sure they deal damage to the player if they come in contact

Day 3: Build the logic behind skills and weapons & finalize game logic

  • incorporate various weapons and make sure their projectiles are working as intended
  • incorporate various skills and make sure they are working as intended
  • make sure monsters are dealt damage when they come in contact with the projectile
  • finalize the game logic to ensure all the moving parts work together as intended.

Day 4: Css and styling

  • style the character, monsters, and dungeons to be fliud and presentable.