Challenge goal: The purpose of this challenge is to give a general idea of how React works and how you can use it to create simple reactive applications. You’ll be implementing a simplified version of Hapu’s ‘Become a Nanny Share Host’ view. The concepts that you’re gonna apply are:
- JSX;
- Components, props and state;
- Lifecycle Methods;
- Responsive design with CSS media-queries;
- API calls;
- Error handling;
- Loading states;
- SEO & accessibility;
- A/B tests;
- Production builds.
Target level: This is an all around challenge that cover both juniors and experience devs based on the depth of how the concepts were applied.
Final accomplishment: By the end of this challenge you'll have a production ready build.
Design: Figma
- Clear instructions on how to run the application in development mode
- Clear instructions on how to create production builds
- Logos should be exported in SVG
- Implement the mobile version using CSS Media Queries
- Hero section should have an A/B test, persistent for the user, that will either display the design version or:
- Title: Create the childcare you need at a price you can afford
- Description: Connect with other local families to share a nanny from as low as $10.00/hr each. Create your family profile today to get started.
- Newsletter integration to be done using the following endpoint:
- POST with body:
{ "name": "NAME", "email": "EMAIL" }
- Proper HTML structure for good SEO and accessibility
- Proper loading and error handling