
Demo app for running a bot with Rasa X

Primary LanguagePython

Demo Rasa X App

This is a repository showing an example bot and the setup needed to run it with Rasa X.

Development Internals

When to release a new version

This repo is kept up to date with rasa-x, and for each rasa-x minor release, there should be a rasa-x-demo release. Note that this does not generally apply to patch releases.

How to release a new version

  1. Update the rasa version in requirements.txt to reflect the Rasa Open Source release used in the associated rasa-x release.
  2. If there was a major config / pipeline change in rasa: Update config.yml and domain.yml to the latest recommended configuration (e.g. from rasa.cli.initial_project).
  3. Install the rasa version specified in 1. in your local environment.
  4. Train a new model by running make train.
  5. Create a PR.
  6. Wait until it's merged into master, then tag and push a new release with
    git tag 0.26.0 -m 'new minor release for compatibility with Rasa X 0.26'
    git push origin 0.26.0
  7. Update the rasa-x-demo version in the rasa-x repo (rasa-x/.env).