Dev Container NVIDIA Torch

This is an example of how to set up an NVIDIA VSCode DevContainer with GPU support for PyTorch and profiling.

The examples folder contains several examples of how to compile CUDA kernels within PyTorch, showcasing profiling when possible.


  • Docker engine (and set up .wslconfig to use more cores and memory than default)
  • NVIDIA driver for the graphics card
  • NVIDIA Container Toolkit (which may be already included in Windows' Docker Desktop; Linux users will need to install it)
  • VSCode with the DevContainer extension installed
  • Follow the instructions to enable hardware counters profiling presented here
    • On Windows, this involves updating settings on the NVIDIA Control Panel and rebooting the computer

Start the DevContainer

  • Clone this repo
  • In VSCode, press ctrl + shift + P or cmd + shift + P to bring up the Command Palette.
  • Enter and find Dev Containers: Reopen in Container.
  • VSCode will download the Docker CUDA image, install the dependencies, and open the directory in the DevContainer
  • The DevContainer will then run nvidia-smi to display the GPU that the container can access

Navigate to an example folder

Use make to compile and profile the code.

cd examples/gemm-cuda
make # to compile (or run) the (python) code
make ncu # to profile the kernel
make nsys # to profile the whole application

Visualize the profiling results

Install nsight-sys and nsight-compute on your local machine, then use the tools to open the files located in the examples/<app>/prof folder.

Setup details

We leverage the NVIDIA CUDA image, which contains CUDA and PyTorch dependencies installed. See the Dockerfile for more details.

Additional Python packages

The file .devcontainer/requirements.txt contains all third party Python packages you wish to install. Modify the list as you like and uncoment the "updateContentCommand" line in .devcontainer/devcontainer.json to install the packages.

# Example: Minimal deps for tensorflow


This project leveraged the following sources:

Known Issues

  • Starting a personal GitHub Codespaces from this template fails while inspecting nvidia image from nvcr.