
u-boot for artik5, artik10(branch: artik-exynos/v3.10.x), artik710/artik530(branch: ARTIK-SW-18.05.00), artik053(branch: artik-05x)

Primary LanguageC

u-boot-artik for ARTIK05x


This project is used for ARTIK05x (ARTIK053, ARTIK053S, ARTIK055S).

How to Build

This project uses the artik-05x branch.

Clone git sources

git clone --depth=50 --branch=artik-05x https://github.com/SamsungARTIK/u-boot-artik.git


sudo apt-get install device-tree-compiler

For Standard Module (ARTIK053)


make artik05x_defconfig
make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-eabi-

Attach Header

./tools/attachns2.py ./u-boot.bin ./u-boot.head.bin

Copy to TizenRT

cp u-boot.head.bin ~/TizenRT/build/configs/artik053/bin/bl2.bin

For Secure Module (ARTIK053S / ARTIK055S)

Verify OS(TizenRT) image with Customer's Pub.key and then jump to OS entry point.

                bl2.bin                                tinyara_head.bin
       +------------------------+                 +------------------------+
       |     U-boot binary      |                 |                        |
       +------------------------+                 |                        |
       |     Secure Context     |                 |                        |
       | +--------------------+ |                 |      OS (TizenRT)      |
       | | Customer's Pub.key | |                 |                        |
       | +--------------------+ |                 |                        |
       | +--------------------+ |                 |                        |
       | |     Signature      | |                 +------------------------+
       | +--------------------+ |                 |       Signature        |
       +------------------------+                 +------------------------+


make artik05x_defconfig
make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-eabi-

Attach Header & Add Key

./tools/attachns2-s.py ./u-boot.bin ./u-boot.head.bin ./rsa_public.key


Please download those files from artik.io with SLA agreement to continue to sign. Once you download those files, please locate them to the root path.

./artik05x_codesigner -sign u-boot.head.bin

Copy to TizenRT

cp u-boot.head.bin-signed ~/TizenRT/build/configs/artik053s/bin/bl2.bin
cp u-boot.head.bin-signed ~/TizenRT/build/configs/artik055s/bin/bl2.bin

How to Flashing

After moving to the TizenRT project, you can download the u-boot binary to ARTIK05x with the following command:

$ cd os
$ make download bl2