
💻 macOS dotfiles managed with GNU stow + Homebrew Bundle

Primary LanguageShell

This is my old dotfiles. Checkout JunichiSugiura/JunichiSugiura for the latest bundle.


dotfiles managed with


  1. Sign in to App store manually (Temporary solution. See more: mas-cli/mas#164)
  2. Run install
curl -o - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JunichiSugiura/dotfiles/master/packages/cli/scripts/dotfiles | sh
  1. Start Yabai and skhd
brew services start yabai
brew services start skhd
# or
brew services start --all

Then allow accessibility permissions on Security & Privacy inside System Preferences.app

Manual operations

haven't figure out ways to automate

Installed Apps

Check Brewfile for the latest bundle.


If you like to learn how to create dotfiles, check out my tutorial .