
Face Recognition in the browser

Primary LanguageVue


Facer Demo

Realtime Face Recognition app using:


Run npm i in the root folder


Development mode

  1. Run npm run api for starting the API server
  2. Run npm run dev for starting in development mode

Production mode

  1. Run npm run build for building in production mode
  2. Run npm run start for starting in production mode


Docker build

Either build your own Docker images

  • docker build -t gjovanov/facer .

or us the build script with your own docker hub username and image name:

  • ./build.sh

Docker pull

Or pull the one from Docker Hub docker pull gjovanov/facer .

Docker run

docker run -d --name facer \
    --hostname facer \
    --restart always \
    -e API_URL=https://facer.xplorify.net \
    -p 8081:3000 \
    -v /gjovanov/facer/data:/facer/data \
    --net=bridge \

Docker push

  • docker push gjovanov\facer

or use the release.sh script with your own docker hub username and image name:

  • ./release.sh