
AngularJS module that wraps onesignal-cordova-plugin

OneSignal API reference

AngularJS Cordova OneSignal module

This is a wrapper for OneSignal plugin for Cordova. It wraps the plain js cordova plugin interface to something more angular

Getting started

  1. First you need to add OneSignal plugin to your Cordova enabled project

     cordova plugin add onesignal-cordova-plugin
  2. Then pull this plugin from bower repository

     bower install --save angular-cordova-onesignal
  3. Include the following file in your app

  4. Add plugin dependency to your app

     angular.module('app', [
         // ...
  5. Configure the service in your config phase

     .config(function($cordovaOneSignalProvider) {
         $cordovaOneSignalProvider.projectNumber('e67cf111-eq19-7bfb-890a-18bdm13m259f');    // Project number provided by OneSignal
         $cordovaOneSignalProvider.googleProjectNumber('994906666666');  // Project number provided by Google Developers
         $cordovaOneSignalProvider.verbose(true);    // This will throw debug lines to console
  6. Initialize plugin in your run phase or whenever appropriate

     .run(function($cordovaOneSignal) {
             .then(function() {
                 // Other stuff you do after initializing, like setting tags and so on
  7. You should now see the device listed in OneSignal dashboard

Configuration options ($cordovaOneSignalProvider)

The provider provides these methods

  • $cordovaOneSignalProvider.projectNumber( string ) - sets OneSignal project number, this one is required by OneSignal API
  • $cordovaOneSignalProvider.googleProjectNumber( string ) - sets Google Project number. This is only required if you are using push notifications on Android. See this for more info
  • $cordovaOneSignalProvider.autoRegister( boolean ) - whenever to automatically register device for push notifications on .init(). This defaults to true and will display a prompt message on iOS.
  • $cordovaOneSignalProvider.verbose( boolean ) - whenever you want debug output to console. This defaults to false to keep your console clean, but I suggest setting this to true.

Runtime API ($cordovaOneSignal)

You should check OneSignal API reference for a complete reference.

The only differences are:

  • You use $cordovaOneSignal instead of window.plugins.OneSignal
  • $cordovaOneSignal.init() returns a promise that is resolved after deviceready event
  • $cordovaOneSignal.getTags() takes no arguments and instead returns a promise that is resolved with the tags json
  • $cordovaOneSignal.getIds() has the same treatment as getTags(), it returns a promise and is resolved with ids json
  • $cordovaOneSignal.postNotification( parameters ) takes only one argument, which is parameters and returns a response which is resolved or rejected with jsons returned by OneSignal API
  • $cordovaOneSignal.setLogLevel( logLevel, visualLevel ) takes two arguments instead of an object