
A tutorial for CrispGameLib

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Guide to getting started with CrispGameLib

Welcome to my tutorial for CrispGameLib.

As someone who has absolutely been in love with the entirety of ABAGames' (Kenta Cho) works, I eventually got around to use CrispGameLib in July 2021, and had probably one of my best developement experiences ever. It eventually struck me that despite the library's simplicity and low barrier of entry, its popularity has been low, and I and Kenta appeared to be the only creators who used this library.

Here's my attempt to change that. If you are into making videogames and looking for something interesting, I hope I have found you one right here.

Table of content

About CrispGameLib

CrispGameLib is a Javascript game library geared towards making arcade-like mini games for web browsers. I believe it's fair to say that it's the spritual successor to Mini Game Programming Library and MGL-coffee, both of which were made by Kenta Cho.

CrispGameLib priotizes simplicity and leanness of the game, taking care of many common elements, allowing the developer to focus on the creating gameplay, prototyping and getting the game to a playable state. Here are some notable facts:

  • Games are playable only on web browsers, presented as HTML5 canvas.
  • The gameloop, collision detection, and high scores, are automatically handled under the hood.
  • All drawn sprites are limited to squared shapes of a preset of 16 colours.
  • Custom sprites are limited to the size of 6x6, represented by characters defined in the array characters [] (more on this later).
  • Audio and music are procedurally generated and limited to a set of 8 sound effects (also, more on this later).
  • Control is restricted to one pointer, controlled with mouse or single touch.

Needless to say, like most game engines and libraries out there, CrispGameLib is great for a particular kind of games, and not so great for others. If you are making a massive open world RPG with a lot of fine tuning and complex systems, this is not going to cut it. On the other hand, if you are prototyping an idea for smartphones you have in mind, or just looking for something small you can spend on for less than an afternoon, here's a great choice of tool.

A game speaks a million words, so do check out Kenta's works and mine for a good idea of what this library can do.

The goal

This is a project driven tutorial. We are going to learn gamedev by making a very particular game: Charge Rush RE, which is my own remake of the mgl.coffee-powered CHARGE RUSH by Kenta himself. This is a game I have massively enjoyed for many years over, which also has a great balance of simplicity, complexity, and depth, in from both gameplay and gamedev perspectives. These are great properties for a learning project. The final game does have some small deviations, which you can take a look at here.

At the end of the tutorial, besides having your own version of Charge Rush running and working, hopefully you'll have a good idea of:

  • The code structure and thinking process to create a game with CrispGameLib.
  • Using GameCrispLib features, including drawing, resolving collisions, using audio, and managing scores.
  • How game data are structured, accessed, and iterated in container arrays, with or without using CrispGameLib built-in functions (times() and remove()).

Bonus things that would be extremely great if you could get an understanding of:

  • How CrispGameLib works under the hood and its quirks.
  • How to optimize the collision detection processes.
  • The software development practices I discuss and your own opinionated preferences.
  • How to make your next game.
  • How to use JSDoc to benefit a Javascript project.
  • How to distribute and deploy a CrispGameLib game on the web via GitHub Page.

What you need

As much as I would like to make this tutorial as accessible as possible, covering hello world is unfortunately out of the scope of this tutorial. You don't need to be a Javascript expert, but it is necessary that you have an understanding of basic programming (especially including: the concept of variables, performing operations, conditions, loops, and functions). Basically, if you're relatively fluent in any programming language, you're good to go.

You'll also need a capable device that can operate the NodeJS ecosystem and a web browser that runs HTML5 (probably good as long as it's not Internet Explorer). Technically, you can use any IDE or text editor, but I personally find VSCode so well-optimized to this that it's a no-brainer choice.

You also don't need any previous gamedev experience (this is a great choice for your first), though I will occasional make comparisons to other popular game engines to explain GameCrispLib's quirks.

Git and version control are not essential for you to benefit from this tutorial, but is highly recommended like any work involving software.

Finally, this tutorial was written on Windows, so don't freak out if things look a bit different on your Mac or Linux devices.

How to read this tutorial

Just read it like you should read any tutorial: take it slow, make sure you get the part right, and try not to skip.

In the folder docs of this repository, you'll find folders named step_xx, representing the incomplete versions of the game, corresponding to the steps of this tutorial. You can either access them locally by visiting the corresponding URL from your web browser http://localhost:4000/?step_xx after running light-server, or visiting the deployment via GitHub Page, listed at the end of each step. This might sound confusing now, but you'll get the idea after setting up at step 0. Use these as references for your progress in case you run into any problem.

Additionally, you'll also run into certain notations where I explain certain aspects of making the game:

  • CrispGameLib quirk: explanation of the inner workings of the library those are most likely unusual compared to other tools that you have heard of.
  • Javascript feature: self-explanatorily, this tutorial assumes that are you unfamiliar with Javascript and will briefly explain features or aspects of the language when it's due.
  • Under the hood: this is where I will explain shorthand commands and how things inner work behind the scene to give you a bit more knowledge. Hopefully, things will look a bit less like magic to you.
  • Further reading: self-explanatorily, there is only so much I can cover in one single tutorial and some matters are best researched in-depth separately.
  • Alternative implementation: many problems or outcomes have no one single definite solution. Occasionally, I will provide an alternative implementation that has some sort of merits you can consider which would hopefully reinforce your understanding of the matter.
  • For your experimentation: this is where I encourage you to mildly deviate from the model code and do something yourself. These are generally harmless or have very little effect on the game, but will reinforce your understanding of how the codebase works.
  • SWE practice: while it might be strange to see the term software engineering slung around in beginner-level and simplicity-focused tutorial, but as a software developer myself, I advocate for readable and maintainable codebases. While this is somewhat contradictory to the nature and purpose of this library (games made quick and fast), I believe a healthy balance can be achieved. I will suggest some basic rule you should follow to maintain a good codebase in these sections.

Naturally, this tutorial is highly opinionated and based on my personal experiences and understanding. You are highly encouraged to develop your own preferences and stick to them. I also highly welcome feedback and critiques; feel free to contact me in anyway you can regarding those.

The tutorial

This is where the fun begins and things start happening on your computer.

Step 00: Setting up

Step 001: Getting the software

Like any development work, before we even get to do anything at all on the game, some software installation and build environment setup is due. This is done only once on each device system that you work on. These are very ubiquitous software for development devices. Go to each URL, follow the installation prompting, and proceed with default settings should get it done.

  • Git (can be omitted, but I strongly recommend you not to)
  • NodeJS
  • A terminal of your choice. I personally use Hyper. You'll also need to enable bash if you're on Windows.
  • A text editor/IDE of your choice. This tutorial assumes you are using VSCode.

Further reading: At some point, you should also register a GitHub account if you have not had one and setup an SSH authentication, which will be a significant life improvement when you start pushing your code to remote repositories frequently.

Step 002: Getting the library

Once done, get a distributable version of CrispGameLib, and the simplest way to do so is to clone this repository.

Navigate to the directory where you'd like to work on with the terminal (alternatively, use your operating system's file explorer and opens the terminal there) and enter:

	git clone git@github.com:JunoNgx/crisp-game-lib-tutorial.git
	cd crisp-game-lib-tutorial

The second command will navigate the terminal into the newly cloned repository folder.

Alternatively: You can just download this repository directly, unzip it, and work from there. Or you can even get it directly from the original repository, after which you should do some cleanup in docs because of existing games.

Step 003: Setup the npm package

In case you're not aware, this is an npm package.

Further reading: What is npm? A Node Package Manager Tutorial for Beginners

To get the package setup and working, run npm install from the terminal.

In ways you feel comfortable with, go to the folder docs, make a copy of docs/_template in the same place and rename it to chargerush.

Return to your terminal and enter npm run watch_games. You should now no longer be able to type into the console (hint: if you'd like to exit, press CTRL + C). Meanwhile, open your browser and access the URL http://localhost:4000/?chargerush.

Under the hood: if you look into package.json, you will notice that npm run watch_games is a shorthand for "light-server -s docs -w \"docs/**/* # # reload\"", which initialises light-server, which is an npm package that allows you to run a static http server with livereloading (meaning that every time you save, the server will restart and refresh, running your new code immediately. Pretty magic, huh?). You don't need to know everything about light-server, but it's useful to understand what it is.

If you see a square bright screen against a slightly darker background, with what appears to be score and high score on the top corners, then congratulations, you've done that right 🥂.

Step 000 - Engine running

In case you are not getting there yet:

  • Check the terminal and make sure that light-server is running.
  • Check docs folder and make sure that the copied template is correctly named.
  • Check the browser and make sure that you are accessing the localhost URL (not, pointing to the right name of the folder after the question mark.

Once you've got the game running, open VSCode in the root folder of the repository, and open the file docs/chargerush/main.js. It's up to your personal preference, but my favourite setup involves halving the screen into VSCode and the browser running the game.

My setup

If you ever pause this tutorial to return another time, don't forget to run light-server again with npm run watch_games.

Things will get interesting from here.

Hint: VSCode also has a built-in terminal. You may either run the server or operate git commands from there, saving another terminal window.

Step 00 conclusion: deployment / code.

Step 01: Basic drawing and update (stars)

Step 011: Renaming title

The content of the template main.js is relatively lean. Comments have been added in for your information:

// The title of the game to be displayed on the title screen
title  =  "";

// The description, which is also displayed on the title screen
description  =  `

// The array of custom sprites
characters  = [];

// Game runtime options
// Refer to the official documentation for all available options
options  = {};

// The game loop function
function  update() {
	// The init function
	if (!ticks) {


SWE practice: Do be very mindful of indentations. Incorrect indentations make the codes hard to read, on top of causing complications in diffs in version control. This template and tutorial are set to indentation of 4 whitespaces. Further reading: Indentation Style.

Let's do the minimally important thing: changing the game name. Edit the first line:

title = "CHARGE RUSH";

Changed name

As soon as you save the file, the server should automatically reload and the browser should now shows the game with its title CHARGE RUSH. Feeling excited yet?

Step 012: Create the tuning data container and change the size

Next, we will create a Javascript object which will hold a lot of the game's important data. Add this block just above the options.

const G = {
	WIDTH: 100,
	HEIGHT: 150

SWE practice: this object is declared as a const (for constant), which means its value is read-only once the game is started. Constant values should be capitalised in CAPITALISED_SNAKE_CASE, as these are essential values we will refer to over and over again throughout the codebase (this is premature, but you will soon see this enough, and also in contrast to local temporary const variables which I will use later on). Further reading: When to capitalize your JavaScript constants.

We now may use these values to change the size of the game:

options = {
	viewSize: {x: G.WIDTH, y: G.HEIGHT}

Changed size

While it is possible to simply just declare this as options = {viewSize: {x: 100, y: 150}};, putting this behind one single constant variables will simplify the game tuning process significantly. If you change your mind and want the game to be square again, G.HEIGHT is the only one place to edit, instead of running after every single instances of the value 150.

We will also explore other properties of options along the way. Don't be surprised if you occasionally see strange properties enabled in the step references.

Step 013: Container variable and JSDoc

Next, we will make something simple, but satisfying and motivating: the stars. Add the following block below options:

* @typedef {{
* pos: Vector,
* speed: number
* }} Star

* @type  { Star [] }
let stars;

If you think those blocks are weird, you are correct that they are not very common sights. Also, the following section is going to be slightly heavy.

You probably have heard of this very hot thing called TypeScript in web development. They fix a major problem in Javascript, which is in its name itself: typing. By pre-defining sets of object properties as types, it is much easier to debug and get a program to work as intended. We are definitely not writing TypeScript, but JSDoc provides us with a very similar advantage.

While the two blocks of comments above do absolutely nothing while the game is running, they help you in getting the game to run correctly. Here the type Star is defined as object with two property: pos of type Vector (which is defined by CrispGameLib) and speed of type number. Let's say for some reason, you make a mistake and assigned a string value to star.speed like star1.speed = "tsk tsk", VSCode will highlight this mistake and yell at you, preventing you from running that mistake and wasting your time and effort on needless debugging.

Similarly, stars is declared as an array of objects of type Star.

You can even write this in a more verbose and descriptive manner if you choose to:

* @typedef { object } Star - A decorative floating object in the background
* @property { Vector } pos - The current position of the object
* @property { number } speed - The downwards floating speed of this object

If these feel weird, simply think of them as class declaration, a very common concept in programming. You probably will find them a hassle at first, but as far as my experience go, this is probably the most life-changing and quality-of-life improving thing I have found while writing Javascript.

If you personally find them unnecessary, it is understandable and the opinion has merit in the context of these small games. Feel free to omit them from your codes and proceed, though I personally don't recommend it unless you know very well what you are doing.

Further reading: JSDoc.

Step 014: The initialising block

Under the hood: Like most game engines, CrispGameLib has an update() loop, running 60 times per second. The framerate is fixed and not changeable. This also mean that games made with CrispGameLib are entirely frame-rate dependent, omitting the need to handle deltaTime and instead, working with number of frames directly (if you have ever used Pico-8, you'd get the idea). You also get access to ticks, which provides you with the number of frames the game has passed.

In update(), you will see a block of if (!ticks) {} already written. In a nutshell, this is the equivalent to init(), the function that will run at the start of the game.

Here, we'd like to initialise the variable stars we declared:

// The game loop function
function update() {
    // The init function running at startup
	if (!ticks) {
        // A CrispGameLib function
        // First argument (number): number of times to run the second argument
        // Second argument (function): a function that returns an object. This
        // object is then added to an array. This array will eventually be
        // returned as output of the times() function.
		stars = times(20, () => {
            // Random number generator function
            // rnd( min, max )
            const posX = rnd(0, G.WIDTH);
            const posY = rnd(0, G.HEIGHT);
            // An object of type Star with appropriate properties
            return {
	            // Creates a Vector
                pos: vec(posX, posY),
                // More RNG
                speed: rnd(0.5, 1.0)

There is quite a lot to be unpacked here, so take it slow. There are four things to take note of:

  • The function vec(x, y) to create a Vector object. This is defined by CrispGameLib.
  • The random number generator rnd (min, max) (you should also be aware of its variant that returns a rounded integer rndi (min, max)). Here it is used to generate a random position within the screen.
  • I declared the temporary variables posX and posY as const, but did not capitalise them, because they are scoped local variables, in constrast to the global constant variable G.
  • The CrispGameLib built-in function times( number, func()). This might sound a bit confusing, but it is actually just a short hand for a for loop. Alternatively, the block can practically be re-written as:
function update() {
    if (!ticks) {
        for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
                pos: vec(rnd(0, G.WIDTH), rnd(0, G.HEIGHT)),
                speed: rnd(0.5, 1.0)

Also, this is also a chance for a refactor and add more game design variables to G. We'd be doing this a lot from now on, so keep track of your object G:

const G = {
	return {
	    pos: vec(posX, posY),

However, this has no visible effect on the game yet.

Step 015: The update loop

We'll now be drawing the stars on screen. Add this block inside the update() block, just below the if (!ticks) {}:

    // Update for Star
    stars.forEach((s) => {
        // Move the star downwards
        s.pos.y += s.speed;
        // Bring the star back to top once it's past the bottom of the screen
        s.pos.wrap(0, G.WIDTH, 0, G.HEIGHT);

        // Choose a color to draw
        // Draw the star as a square of size 1
        box(s.pos, 1);

This block should look a lot less foreign, if you have ever seen videogame codes:

  • The method Array.forEach() iterates and execute on each element in the array. In this case, each star is updated 60 times a second. Further reading: MDN documentation.
  • s.pos.y += s.speed adds the y coordinate of the star by speed (which we randomly generated when we created the stars), bringing the star perpetually downwards to the bottom of the screen (unlike conventional high school math, the y-axis points downwards).
  • wrap(minX, maxX, minY, maxY) is a method for Vector, which wrap the object back to the otherside, when the object is outside of the screen (which is specified by the screen coordinates as the four arguments). The handling of the x coordinate here is redundant as it never changes. Alternatively, this can be re-written more effectively as if (s.pos.y > G.HEIGHT) s.pos.y = 0;
  • The color is set before the star is drawn with color() (light_black sounds a bit wacky, but it does make sense when you look at the list of colors). Here, the box() is chosen to represent the star, taking the star's coordinate as an argument. Further reading: the drawing example demo in CrispGameLib. Take note of the alternative use of x and y arguments as coordinates in opposed to a Vector.

Moving stars

Pretty cool, yeah?

For your experimentation: Try changing:

  • The value of G.STAR_SPEED_MIN and G.STAR_SPEED_MAX and see how things change. Feel free to stay on a different set of values.
  • The color of the stars (the list of colors can again be found in the documentation).
  • The size of the star as the second argument of box().

Step 01 conclusion: deployment / code.

Step 02: Input and control (player)

Here we will start handling the player entity.

Step 021: Another type

First, let's get started with more type and variable declaring. This is not unlike what we did previously:

 * @typedef {{
 * pos: Vector,
 * }} Player

 * @type { Player }
let player;

Unlike stars, player is in singular form, holding a single object instance of type Player. If you are feeling confused, do check out step 013 again.

We can also initialise the player object in the initialisation block (this is right below stars):

player = {
    pos: vec(G.WIDTH * 0.5, G.HEIGHT * 0.5)

Do take note of the use of game size variables G.WIDTH and G.HEIGHT, divided by half, to access the mid-position of the screen. We can now also start drawing the player:

    box(player.pos, 4);

Basic player

Step 022: Input handling

This is, however, still not interactive. We will fix this by handling input. By conventional standard, an entity's updates occur before drawing, so put this line before the drawing codes above.

    player.pos = vec(input.pos.x, input.pos.y);

Moving player

Nice. The player now follows your mouse pointer.

Further reading: The input example from the documention. Besides the coordinate of the pointer, you also get access to three booleans isPressed, isJustPressed, isJustReleased, representing the three states of the button. While these will not be used in this tutorial, they are important. You can also do interesting and complicated input techniques with this, such as double tap/click, long press, or swiping.

However, we have one problem: the player occasionally moves out of the game screen, which is not ideal. We need to keep the player strictly within the screen at all times:

    player.pos.clamp(0, G.WIDTH, 0, G.HEIGHT);

Clamped player's position

You will notice that the interface and signature of Vector.clamp(minX, maxX, minY, maxY) is very similar to wrap(), though it does something else.

Step 023: Custom sprite

A square, however, is not very appealing or interesting. This is where I show you how to use custom sprite characters.

Just below the description declaration, notice that there is an empty array character = [];. Time to use it. Try populate it with something. Do note the use of backticks for template literal and how there was no indentation. VSCode is going to automatically insert indentations among other things, so make sure you paste in correctly and manually fix any incorrect whitespaces:

characters = [
cc  cc

Now, replace the drawing line with another function to use this character:

    // box(player.pos, 4);
    char("a", player.pos);

New sprite

Notice that the shape has been changed to the new array element we have just populated with, though the color remains the same. Now try something else by changing the color to black:

    // color("cyan");
    color ("black");
    // box(player.pos, 4);
    char("a", player.pos);

Original color

Interesting, eh?

In order to explain this weird phenomenon you've just witnessed, I need to show you an excerpt of the documentation, regarding the color list:

// Define pixel arts of characters.
// Each letter represents a pixel color.
// (l: black, r: red, g: green, b: blue
//  y: yellow, p: purple, c: cyan
//  L: light_black, R: light_red, G: light_green, B: light_blue
//  Y: light_yellow, P: light_purple, C: light_cyan)
// Characters are assigned from 'a'.
// 'char("a", 0, 0);' draws the character
// defined by the first element of the array.

And look at this again:

characters = [
cc  cc

Notice that the l and c are actually short forms of the color black and cyan. By changing these characters to other valid characters that also represent colors, you would change the color of some pixels in this sprite. The excerpt also explains the function char(), in which a is represented by the first element in the array characters. Also, by setting the drawing color to color("black"), the engine will draw the sprite with the originally colors, instead of an overlay.

For your experimentation: Using the available colors, make your own sprite that represents the player's ship by modifying the first element in characters. Do notice that you are limited only to the size 6x6.

CrispGameLib quirk: At this point, you should also notice that the sprite is drawn at the middle of your cursor position. This is a slightly deviation from the norm in other game engine, in which the drawing origin is usually at the top left corner. In CrispGameLib, the drawing origin is in the middle.

Step 02 conclusion: deployment / code.

Step 03: Object control, creation, and removal (fBullets)

We are finally going to fire our gun!

Step 031: Firing bullets

First thing first, more stuff to declare. You should be quite familiar with this by now:

const G = {
	WIDTH: 100,
	HEIGHT: 150,

    STAR_SPEED_MIN: 0.5,


 * @typedef {{
 * pos: Vector,
 * firingCooldown: number,
 * isFiringLeft: boolean
 * }} Player

 * @type { Player }
let player;

 * @typedef {{
 * pos: Vector
 * }} FBullet

 * @type { FBullet [] }
let fBullets;

Do take note of the new properties added type Player: firingCooldown and isFiringLeft. If you have done your JSDoc properly, you would also notice that VSCode will start yelling at you, telling you that the player instance you initialised is incorrect and missing some properties (which is exactly what we expected). Other than fixing this, you should also start initalise fBullets, which is a short form of friendly bullets, to differentiate against enemy bullets we'd have later on.

        player = {
            pos: vec(G.WIDTH * 0.5, G.HEIGHT * 0.5),
            firingCooldown: G.PLAYER_FIRE_RATE,
            isFiringLeft: true

        fBullets = [];

Next up, we update them:

    // Updating and drawing the player
    player.pos = vec(input.pos.x, input.pos.y);
    player.pos.clamp(0, G.WIDTH, 0, G.HEIGHT);
    // Cooling down for the next shot
    // Time to fire the next shot
    if (player.firingCooldown <= 0) {
        // Create the bullet
            pos: vec(player.pos.x, player.pos.y)
        // Reset the firing cooldown
        player.firingCooldown = G.PLAYER_FIRE_RATE;
    color ("black");
    char("a", player.pos);

    // Updating and drawing bullets
    fBullets.forEach((fb) => {
        // Move the bullets upwards
        fb.pos.y -= G.FBULLET_SPEED;
        // Drawing
        box(fb.pos, 2);

If you have played videogames before, you probably have heard of the concept "cooldown", with which, you'd need to wait for an interval time before you can use a powerful ability again. Though a machine gun is much faster, concept is similar, with a much shorter cooldown time, giving the feeling of bullets being constantly fired.

Here, the cooldown is set firingCooldown: G.PLAYER_FIRE_RATE in the initialisation; and in the update loop, it is perpetually reduced player.firingCooldown--; (this is a shorthard for player.firingCooldown = player.firingCooldown - 1; in case you are unfamiliar). By the time the cooldown is completed (player.firingCooldown <= 0), a bullet is created, it is set back to the intial value of G.PLAYER_FIRE_RATE, and the process repeats. At the fire rate of 5 (frames), the ship is now firing 12 rounds per second.

In the next block, fBullets iterates over its elements and perform the update and drawing on each of them not unlike stars.

Firing gun

Step 032: Object management and removal

If you let the game run in the current state for a while, you will notice that it eventually slows down. This is because it is performing updates on hundreds, if not thousands of instances of bullets, which has gone out of screen and is heading towards infinity upwards. Try adding this, which will display the number of bullets existing in the game world:

    text(fBullets.length.toString(), 3, 10);

Lots of bullets

This is quite horrendous. Of course those bullets are no longer relevant and we have to do something about them.

    remove(fBullets, (fb) => {
        return fb.pos.y < 0;

This is another weird looking function unique to CrispGameLib. Like forEach(), it iterates over elements in array, but then, it also checks for conditions to remove them from the container. Think of it as a more intuitive and reversed version of the Javascript's native Array.filter(). It directly works on the array in the first parameters, and the elements that yield a return true in the second parameter (a function) are removed.

In this case, a bullet out of screen is an irrelevant bullet, hence fb.pos.y < 0. Since our bullets only move in one direction, there is only one landmark to check against (the top of the screen). You can also use this function to update a group of objects, which I will show you later.

But for now, the important thing is, there is only a few bullets on screen at a time, and the game is now much more resource-efficient.

Few bullets

Step 033: Dual barrels

If you have played the original game, you'd notice that this is not quite accurate, the ship is supposed to have two barrels, and bullets come out of them alternatively. We have actually already taken care part of that with G.PLAYER_GUN_OFFSET and Player.isFiringLeft. Now let's change the firing process:

    if (player.firingCooldown <= 0) {
        // Get the side from which the bullet is fired
        const offset = (player.isFiringLeft)
            ? -G.PLAYER_GUN_OFFSET
            : G.PLAYER_GUN_OFFSET;
        // Create the bullet
            pos: vec(player.pos.x + offset, player.pos.y)
        // Reset the firing cooldown
        player.firingCooldown = G.PLAYER_FIRE_RATE;
        // Switch the side of the firing gun by flipping the boolean value
        player.isFiringLeft = !player.isFiringLeft;

Javascript feature and further reading: Conditional (ternary) operator. The line const offset = (player.isFiringLeft) ? -G.PLAYER_GUN_OFFSET : G.PLAYER_GUN_OFFSET; is the short form of a conditional check:

    let offset;
    if (player.isFiringLeft) {
        offset = -G.PLAYER_GUN_OFFSET;
    } else {
        offset = G.PLAYER_GUN_OFFSET;

Do get yourself familiar with it, this is a very useful shorthand.

Dual barrel

You may also now comment out the number of bullets lines.

Step 034: Muzzleflash and particles

There is, however, one more thing I'd like to go over before before we're done with firing guns: we're going to put in some exiciting muzzleflash, which we will use particles to represent.

    if (player.firingCooldown <= 0) {
        // Get the side from which the bullet is fired
        const offset = (player.isFiringLeft)
            ? -G.PLAYER_GUN_OFFSET
            : G.PLAYER_GUN_OFFSET;
        // Create the bullet
            pos: vec(player.pos.x + offset, player.pos.y)
        // Reset the firing cooldown
        player.firingCooldown = G.PLAYER_FIRE_RATE;
        // Switch the side of the firing gun by flipping the boolean value
        player.isFiringLeft = !player.isFiringLeft;

        // Generate particles
            player.pos.x + offset, // x coordinate
            player.pos.y, // y coordinate
            4, // The number of particles
            1, // The speed of the particles
            -PI/2, // The emitting angle
            PI/4  // The emitting width


Further reading: In order to best understand, here's a relevant excerpt from GameCrispLib documentation:

function particle(
  x: number,
  y: number,
  count?: number,
  speed?: number,
  angle?: number,
  angleWidth?: number
function particle(
  pos: VectorLike,
  count?: number,
  speed?: number,
  angle?: number,
  angleWidth?: number

Do take note of my use of PI to achieve a 90 degree angle, and the alternative use of Vector instead of separated x and y coordinates, a frequent recurring motif in GameCrispLib API.

Step 03 conclusion: deployment / code.

Step 04: Mechanic control (enemies)

Let's get some enemies in.

Step 041: The formation

Before we start doing anything, we need to take a look at what we're going to do. Here's the original game again, if you need a refresher.

While it's not exactly obvious, but the enemies are spawned in a very particular way:

  • Enemies are evenly spreaded vertically.
  • Enemies' horizontal positions are randomized.
  • All enemies in the same wave have the same speed.
  • Enemies' score value is increased by 10 per wave.

(And one reason I am certain about all of that, is because I looked at the source code 😎).

Step 042: Processing the Enemy

To proceed, let's declare some types:

 * @typedef {{
 * pos: Vector
 * }} Enemy

 * @type { Enemy [] }
let enemies;

 * @type { number }
let currentEnemySpeed;

 * @type { number }
let waveCount;

Type Enemy apparently should have their own independent position. However, you'd notice that I have a separate variable currentEnemySpeed, which is because enemies that appear onscreen at the same time all have the same speed, so it would be slightly unoptimal to store the same value multiple times. In the grand scheme of the processing resources available, the cost of these variables are tiny, but this is to give you an idea and a taste of optimisation.

To proceed, let's get out the rest of what we need:

// New sprite
characters = [
cc  cc
rr  rr

// New game design variables
const G = {

    // Initalise the values:
    enemies = [];

    waveCount = 0;
    currentEnemySpeed = 0;

    // Another update loop
    // This time, with remove()
    remove(enemies, (e) => {
        e.pos.y += currentEnemySpeed;
        char("b", e.pos);

        return (e.pos.y > G.HEIGHT);

However, we are not seeing anything because we haven't spawned them.

Step 043: Spawning

We'd spawn them the simple way: as long as there is no enemy around. Add this block before processing the stars and right after the initialisation:

    if (enemies.length === 0) {
        currentEnemySpeed =
            rnd(G.ENEMY_MIN_BASE_SPEED, G.ENEMY_MAX_BASE_SPEED) * difficulty;
        for (let i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
            const posX = rnd(0, G.WIDTH);
            const posY = -rnd(i * G.HEIGHT * 0.1);
            enemies.push({ pos: vec(posX, posY) })

Things to note:

  • CrispGameLib feature: there is a built-in variable called difficulty, which starts from 1, and is progressively increased by 1 for every minute passed, slowly and gradually. If you'd like to see this for yourself, try printing this either onscreen (text(difficulty.toString(), 3, 10);) or to the web browser console (console.log(difficulty);). This variable here is used to modify the enemy speed, which will make the game more difficulty as time passes and the value of difficulty increases.
  • I'm not using times() here because we need to access the looping variable i, hence this is an old-fashioned standard for loop.

Spawning enemies

The game now looks much more complete.

Step 04 conclusion: deployment / code.

Step 05: Collision detection

In CrispGameLib, objects' graphic also serve as their hitbox. Everytime a sprite is drawn, regardless with char(), box(), or text(), each and everyone of them is keeping track of which other sprites it is colliding with in the property isColliding. Further reading: Collision example demo. For this reason, strategic thinking about collision should always be planned, such as objects of different types, should have at least different types and different colors, if their collision is to have an effect on the game.

Step 051: Destroying enemies

Now, let us make enemies destroyable by friendly bullets:

    remove(enemies, (e) => {
        e.pos.y += currentEnemySpeed;
        // Shorthand to check for collision against another specific type
        // Also draw the sprite
        const isCollidingWithFBullets = char("b", e.pos).isColliding.rect.yellow;

        // Check whether to make a small particle explosin at the position
        if (isCollidingWithFBullets) {

        // Also another condition to remove the object
        return (isCollidingWithFBullets || e.pos.y > G.HEIGHT);

Destroying enemies

Here, the boolean variable isCollidingWithFBullets is used as a shorthand referral to check whether a sprite character of type b is colliding with any of the yellow rectangles (which are representing a friendly bullet). This initialisation also causes the char b to be drawn onscreen, even when it's not explicitly used for such purpose. isCollidingWithFBullets is then used to check whether there should be a small particle explosion at the location of the Enemy object, and whether this Enemy object should be removed from the container.

Step 052: Two-way interaction

While we have implemented a simple of form collision detection, having a two-way collision, in which both the bullet and the target are destroyed, is a slightly more complicated matter.

Let us try:

    remove(fBullets, (fb) => {
        const isCollidingWithEnemies = box(fb.pos, 2).isColliding.char.b;
        return (isCollidingWithEnemies || fb.pos.y < 0);

While this syntatically and logically correct, you will notice this does not work. The enemies are destroyed, but not friendly bullets. The question is why?

Consider this: everything we have written happened in one single frame, which occurs 60 times in a second. By examining the location of remove(fBullets, (fb) => {}); in the chronological sequence of an update(), you will noticed that when a fBullet attempts to detect another char.b, no char.b has yet been drawn in that frame.

The solution: let fBullets react to a collision only after Enemies have been drawn:

    // Updating and drawing bullets
    fBullets.forEach((fb) => {
        fb.pos.y -= G.FBULLET_SPEED;

        // Drawing fBullets for the first time, allowing interaction from enemies
        box(fb.pos, 2);

    remove(enemies, (e) => {
        e.pos.y += currentEnemySpeed;
        // Interaction from enemies to fBullets
        // Shorthand to check for collision against another specific type
        // Also draw the sprits
        const isCollidingWithFBullets = char("b", e.pos).isColliding.rect.yellow;
        if (isCollidingWithFBullets) {
        // Also another condition to remove the object
        return (isCollidingWithFBullets || e.pos.y > G.HEIGHT);

    remove(fBullets, (fb) => {
        // Interaction from fBullets to enemies, after enemies have been drawn
        const isCollidingWithEnemies = box(fb.pos, 2).isColliding.char.b;
        return (isCollidingWithEnemies || fb.pos.y < 0);

Two-way collision

You will also notice that fBullets are drawn twice: the first time to allow themselves to be interacted with from enemies, and the second time, to interact with enemies from themselves.

This is a CrispGameLib quirk, while this does sound mind-boggling at first, it is not as complicated as it looks. The takeaway is: always make sure that the two colliding sprites are already drawn, which means occasionally drawing some of them more than once.

Step 05 conclusion: deployment / code.

Step 06: How audio works

Step 061: The basic way

And here's my favourite part of CrispGameLib. Let me just straight away show you an excerpt of the documentation (not forgetting an example demo):

function update() {
  // Plays a sound effect.
  // play(type: "coin" | "laser" | "explosion" | "powerUp" |
  // "hit" | "jump" | "select" | "lucky");

It certainly doesn't look difficult. Let's add our own explosion sound:

    remove(enemies, (e) => {
        e.pos.y += currentEnemySpeed;
        const isCollidingWithFBullets = char("b", e.pos).isColliding.rect.yellow;
        if (isCollidingWithFBullets) {
            play("explosion"); // Here!

        return (isCollidingWithFBullets || e.pos.y > G.HEIGHT);

This is not something I can show you in gif, but if you did it right, you're having an explosion for every destroyed enemy.

Step 062: Infinite sound

It gets even better. Let's add this to options.

options = {
    seed: 2

It might not be obvious. But you are listening to a different explosion sound.

To make it even more obvious, add isPlayingBgm to enable music:

options = {
    seed: 2,
    isPlayingBgm: true

It gets even crazier; let's add a game description:

description = `
Destroy enemies.

The bottom line is, CrispGameLib uses a combination of your assigned random seed and the content of your description to generate a particular sets of audio for your game. This means you are putting in minimum work while still achieving a relatively unique audio experience for each of your games.

Of course, without saying, it comes with a major downside. It means that you have pretty much almost no control at all over audio, and if you are looking to fine tune every single piece of audio, CrispGameLib can't give you that without some major modification to the engine.

Step 06 conclusion: deployment / code.

Step 07: More complex movements (eBullets)

The game is finally taking shape. We are just a few steps away from completing this.

Step 071: Enemy bullets

We are now adding the final object type: enemy bullets, which means more type declaration and adding more properties to existing types.

// New property: firingCooldown
 * @typedef {{
 * pos: Vector,
 * firingCooldown:
 * }} Enemy

// New type
 * @typedef {{
 * pos: Vector,
 * angle: number,
 * rotation: number
 * }} EBullet

 * @type { EBullet [] }
let eBullets;

More sprites:

characters = [
cc  cc
rr  rr
y  y
 y  y
 y  y

More gameplay variables:

const G = {
	WIDTH: 100,
	HEIGHT: 150,

    STAR_SPEED_MIN: 0.5,




Don't forget the initialise and fix whatever VSCode is yelling at you, too.

The attacking mechanism of enemies isn't unlike player's, as firingCooldown decreases towards zero, fires a bullet, and resets again:

    remove(enemies, (e) => {
        e.pos.y += currentEnemySpeed;
        if (e.firingCooldown <= 0) {
                pos: vec(e.pos.x, e.pos.y),
                angle: e.pos.angleTo(player.pos),
                rotation: rnd()
            e.firingCooldown = G.ENEMY_FIRE_RATE;
            play("select"); // Be creative, you don't always have to follow the label

        const isCollidingWithFBullets = char("b", e.pos).isColliding.rect.yellow;
        if (isCollidingWithFBullets) {

        return (isCollidingWithFBullets || e.pos.y > G.HEIGHT);

Take note of the utility method Vector.angleTo(destinationVector). Alternatively, you can do it the old-fashioned way with trigonometry: const angle = Math.atan2(player.pos.y - e.pos.y, player.pos.x - e.pos.x);

Also, update eBullets and handle the collision with player.

    remove(eBullets, (eb) => {
        // Old-fashioned trigonometry to find out the velocity on each axis
        eb.pos.x += G.EBULLET_SPEED * Math.cos(eb.angle);
        eb.pos.y += G.EBULLET_SPEED * Math.sin(eb.angle);
        // The bullet also rotates around itself
        eb.rotation += G.EBULLET_ROTATION_SPD;

        const isCollidingWithPlayer
            = char("c", eb.pos, {rotation: eb.rotation}).isColliding.char.a;

        if (isCollidingWithPlayer) {
            // End the game
            // Sarcasm; also, unintedned audio that sounds good in actual gameplay
        // If eBullet is not onscreen, remove it
        return (!eb.pos.isInRect(0, 0, G.WIDTH, G.HEIGHT));

While this looks like quite a bit to comprehend, most of these are no longer new at this point:

  • Do take note of the third argument for char(), which takes in an object. The property rotation here isn't the same as angle and works slightly different (a 90 degree rotation is represented by 1). This property allows the bullet to rotate around itself.
  • The function end(), which self-describingly ends the game, automatically puts the game into an ending state and returns to the title screen subsequently.
  • Vector.isInRect(topLeftX, topLeftY, length, width), self-exlanatorily, checks whether the coordinate is within a particular rectangle. Here it is used to detect whether the bullet is within the game screen.

Firing enemy bullets

Alternative implementation: There is a less nerdy way implement the angled movement for eBullet with built-in utility methods:

    remove(eBullets, (eb) => {
        const velocityVector = vec(G.EBULLET_SPEED, 0).rorateTo(eb.angle);

The variable G.EBULLET_SPEED represent the bullet's speed as a scalar (only magnitude, no direction). To represent this as a vector, it can be initialised as vec(G.EBULLET_SPEED, 0). This vector has the indicated magnitude, pointing towards the 0 degree direction (visually on-screen, this is towards the right, hence the 0 value for y). Next up, rotateTo(angle) is a built-in method for the class Vector, which breaks down this magnitude appropriately to x and y component of a vector. Finally, we use the method add() to calculate the sum of two vectors, as eb.pos.add(velocityVector) will become the position of the bullet in the next frame, taking the velocity of this object into account.

You will also find it useful to have a vel property in object types that might have varied movement speeds.

This is not a "superior" or "better" way to do it, just a different implementation. Visually and mechanically, there is no difference. In any case, using math.sin and math.cos is a universal way to implement angled movement in all game engines and contexts. Which method you should use is a mere matter of personal preference.

At this point, it's fair that enemies are also able to destroy the player, too.

        const isCollidingWithPlayer = char("b", e.pos).isColliding.char.a;
        if (isCollidingWithPlayer) {

Step 072: Scoring

Here's the part that makes the player keeps playing and coming back. It is, however, surprisingly simple.

Each destroyed enemy should provide the player with a score of multiplication of 10, based on the waveCount. Any contact between eBullet and fBullet will yield a small amount of scores, too.

First thing first, we need to keep a good track of waveCount.

if (!ticks) {
    waveCount = 0;
    if (enemies.length === 0) {
        currentEnemySpeed =
            rnd(G.ENEMY_MIN_BASE_SPEED, G.ENEMY_MAX_BASE_SPEED) * difficulty;
        for (let i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
            const posX = rnd(0, G.WIDTH);
            const posY = -rnd(i * G.HEIGHT * 0.1);
                pos: vec(posX, posY),
                firingCooldown: G.ENEMY_FIRE_RATE 

        waveCount++; // Increase the tracking variable by one

Upon collisions:

    remove(enemies, (e) => {
        const isCollidingWithFBullets = char("b", e.pos).isColliding.rect.yellow;
        if (isCollidingWithFBullets) {
            addScore(10 * waveCount, e.pos);
    remove(eBullets, (eb) => {
        const isCollidingWithFBullets
            = char("c", eb.pos, {rotation: eb.rotation}).isColliding.rect.yellow;
        if (isCollidingWithFBullets) addScore(1, eb.pos);

And congratulations, the game is now in a very playable state 🎉.


Step 07 conclusion: deployment / code.

Step 08: Extra goodies

While this is all great and nice, I'd like to give you an even cooler version of the game.

Step 081: Replay

options = {
    isReplayEnabled: true

By enabling an option with this one single line, the title screen will now automatically replay your last session. Your game is now 10x cooler without you having to do anything.


Step 082: Themes

Excerpt from documentation:

//   theme?: "simple" | "pixel" | "shape" | "shapeDark" | "crt" | "dark";
//    // Select the appearance theme.

By adding another option theme, you'll get access to a set of filters that pretty much transforms your game visually.

options = {
    theme: "dark"

Replay Replay

However, it should be strongly emphasized that this is not an option to be used recklessly. simple and dark are the only two guaranteed safe options. Everything else is extremely resource hungry, and not all games are suitable for these themes (like this, for example). You are not going to have a very good performance or experience otherwise.

This goes doubly so, if you have any intention of using the next feature.

Step 083: GIF capturing

While LiceCap is always there, it is pretty cool to have a built-in tool to natively record gameplay gifs.

options = {
    isCapturing: true,
    isCapturingGameCanvasOnly: true,
    captureCanvasScale: 2

With at least the first option enabled, pressing the key C on your keyboard while running the game will record the last 5 seconds of footage, which will then be inserted into the HTML page the game is running on. You can then retrieve the gif file from there.

By enabling the first option only, you'll get a relatively small GIF with horizontal margins which is optimized for sharing on Twitter.


Enabling isCapturingGameCanvasOnly will allow you to capture only the game canvas, in which case, you can use the third option captureCanvasScale to adjust the output size. This is also how I have been recording gifs for this tutorial.

Needless to say, the smaller the output, the faster it works. It should also be noted that any theme that isn't simple and dark is not going to play very well with these two options, on top of their potential performance issue.

So there you are, congratulations. Hopefully you have now acquired a good amount of knowledge of CrispGameLib and ready take on your own ideas.

Step 08 conclusion: deployment / code.

Game Distribution

The most simple way to distribute your games made with CrispGameLib is using GitHub Page.

If you already have a forked repository of CrispGameLib:

  • Access the Settings/Pages for the forked repository.
  • Choose the appropriate branch (most likely master) and change the source folder to /docs from the dropdown menu.
  • Access the game at https://<your-username>.github.io/<repository-name>/?<game-folder-name>.

At this point, you may simply make a copy of _template, rename it, and start working on your own games. Your new commits and changes, once pushed to remote, will be instantly reflected on your GitHub Page. Do create branches if you have need to.

Distributing the direct URLs is also a convenient way to let your audiences access your game.


Feel free to post your work to reddit in our community on Reddit at r/CrispGameLib or hashtag your Twitter post with #CrispGameLib.

Feedback and Critique

Feedback, questions, suggestions, and contribution are highly welcomed. Feel free to reach me in anyway you can, though the most direct way would be opening an issue for this repository.