- 8
training FBNet on CIFAR-10
#15 opened by sl-zeng - 2
imagenet training code bug.
#23 opened by weitaoatvison - 0
Some questions in
#22 opened by Jihao-Li - 5
Forward and backward for FBNet
#13 opened by GuntherZhong - 1
got nan when calculate gumbel_softmax
#21 opened by ChenMinQi - 0
- 5
Params, BN, Learned Distribution and FC width layer about FBnet and your implementation
#19 opened by zhaohui-yang - 1
- 0
How to reproduce your result?
#18 opened by LeoWang - 2
- 12
- 2
I try to train a sample net
#16 opened by ChengTsang - 4
I mesure the speed in my device
#14 opened by ChengTsang - 9
kernel size in class FBnetblock
#8 opened by 666zz666 - 5
what meaning MAC means in MixedOp?
#9 opened by MarkAlive - 1
Why the calculation of FLOPs of dilconv didnt need to consider the parameter 'dilation'?
#10 opened by MarkAlive - 0
FLOP should be changed to FLOP1
#11 opened by MarkAlive - 1
Which branch is latest
#7 opened by MichaelGou1105 - 3
bug in model_parameters of snas
#6 opened by MarkAlive - 0
- 0
- 0