
A Learning Curve creating openGL_tests

Primary LanguageC++


A Learning Curve creating openGL_tests. As a beginner for modern OpenGL, this repository is created fullfilling the purpose of learning OpenGL and computer graphics. And also at the same time, engaging the practice of C++ language in play organise proper gl program with interfaces. This will be a process of documenting.

6/27/2020 First Commit: Project-JT20_gl_pj001_win

  • First Gl window in the context of GLFW
  • Initialise GLFW and GLEW
  • Create the 'Big While Loop' for running program.
  • Using glClearColor()function to fill the gl-viewport with a certain colour.

7/1/2020 Update: Project-JT20_gl_pj002_Triangles

  • Drawing the First geo(Triangle/Polygon) -> Switch between GL_TRIANGLES and GL_TRIANGLE_FAN
  • Setting up a few header files seperating these functions/classes:
    • ObjectsCore -> An class stores geometry information, vertices are stored in std::verctor<std::vector<float>>, and then using a few setters and getter functions to establish interface to bridge other contexts in this case the openGL;
    • GL_Create_Geometrys -> here stores a function taking the object and VAO VBO as reference, establish the data and send to buffer
    • GL_ShaderFunctions -> here basically relates to functions create/compile shaders.

Therefore using this structure, it will be possible to work further clearly rather than putting all the functions in one cpp file. I can seperate the shaders, shader compiling/validating, openGL geometry buffer and attribute inputs, geometry classes and methods, and context-main(glfw/win32).