
A small C++ game <Noware> development, using SFML

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


A small C++ game/engine "Noware" development, using SFML as foundation graphics library.

Content Menu

1. Build Environment

1.1 Package
  1. CMake, MinGW Makefiles(Windows), Makefiles(Linux)
  2. SFML package (see extern/instructions.txt)
1.2 build instruction
  • windows:

    mkdir build

    cd build

    • debug install

    cmake.exe -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..

    mingw32-make install

    • release install

    cmake.exe -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

    mingw32-make install

  • Linux:

    • N/A (not avaliable at the moment)
1.3* Handy Windows custom doskey for build shortcuts

Content of cmds.bat

@echo off
:: MinGW and CMake Makefile shortcuts
doskey cmaked=cmake.exe -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..
doskey cmaker=cmake.exe -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
doskey mm=mingw32-make
doskey mmi=mingw32-make install
cmake debug cmake release make make install
cmaked cmaker mm mmi

2. File Structure

2.1 Master folder structure:
  • - Noware
    • - .factory
      • - diagrams
      • - ico
    • - extern
      • - SFML
      • - instructions.txt
    • - Noware (source files)
      • ...↓(see Source files structure)
    • - CMakeLists.txt
    • - .gitignore
    • - LICENSE
    • - README.md
2.2 Source files structure:
  • - Noware (source files)
    • - config
      • - config.env
    • - fonts
      • ...
    • - images
      • ...
    • - include
      • - Noware
        • - engine ( ... )
        • - graphics ( ... )
        • - util ( ... )
        • - engine.h
        • - graphics.h
        • - utility.h
      • - Noware_Game
        • - game ( ... )
        • - game.h
    • - src
      • - creator.cpp ← (Entry Point)
      • - Noware
        • - engine ( ... )
        • - graphics ( ... )
        • - util ( ... )
        • - engine.cpp
        • - graphics.cpp
        • - utility.cpp
        • - CMakeLists.txt
      • - Noware_Game
        • - game ( ... )
        • - game.cpp
        • - CMakeLists.txt
    • - CMakeLists.txt

3. Program Structure

Diagram #01:


Diagram #02 Relationship:


____ ↑ Go back to Top ↑ ____