
ErrorPloting module for SLAM algrithms

Primary LanguagePython


ErrorPloting module for SLAM algrithms

This module is for plotting recorded data from PathRecorder
Basic trajectory plot and error(APE, RPE) plot available

Command Line Interface


  • -f/--file - indivisual input file relative path

  • -F/--folder - input file folder relative path

  • -p/--plot - plotting option

Available plotting option

  • all - plot all trajectories and errors and error statistics default
  • traj - plot trajectories
  • error - plot errors
  • stat - plot error statistics


using -f/--file to plot indivisual or selected files.

$ python main.py -f ./data/07/07.bag ./data/07/lio_sam_path.bag

using -F/--folder to plot every file inside folder

$ python main.py -F ./data/07