
Clips multiple video clips from one video file.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Clips multiple video clips from one video file.


  1. Install
    pip install video-clipper-r
  2. Create manifest.yaml with command below:
    python -m video_clipper init-manifest
  3. Run python -m videp_clipper manifest.yaml to start clipping.

Why the Package Has a Different Name?

PyPI told me the original name video-clipper was similiar to some existing package(s), so I renamed release package - added a r as suffix.
The suffix r means nothing. Sometimes we add r or R after a software name to show this is totally a different software.


  1. Python 3.8+
  2. FFmpeg
    (Please add FFmpeg to your PATH environment variable)

Some Useful Suggestions

If you are using an Intel laptop without a dedicated graphics card (i.e., ThinkPad T14 Gen2 w/ NVIDIA MX450) or you have to use Intel CPU to encode videos:
Please apply the patch below:

diff --git a/video_clipper/app.py b/video_clipper/app.py
index 8cfce8a..42b96fd 100644
--- a/video_clipper/app.py
+++ b/video_clipper/app.py
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import yaml
 BASE_DIR = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parent
 SAMPLE_MANIFEST = BASE_DIR / 'data' / 'manifest.sample.yaml'
 if platform.system() == 'Darwin':
     DEFAULT_VIDEO_CODEC = 'h264_videotoolbox'

The h264_qsv encoder uses Intel's QuickSync, and has about 2x better performance than libx264 in pure CPU scenarios.
