
The easy way to compile Tvheadend on Raspberry Pi (arm64)


The easy way to compile Tvheadend on Raspberry Pi (arm64)


  • 2GB+ Raspberry Pi (add swap space if needed)
  • 1.5GB+ free space

How to

cd ~/Downloads
git clone https://github.com/tvheadend/tvheadend &&
cd tvheadend &&
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y &&
sudo apt install ffmpeg ccache debhelper gettext libavahi-client-dev liburiparser-dev cmake libpcre2-dev libpcre3-dev libdvbcsa-dev -y &&
AUTOBUILD_CONFIGURE_EXTRA="--enable-ccache --build=arm64" ./Autobuild.sh -t raspbianbuster-armhf

The result .deb file will be in ~/Downloads


  • If you don't want ffmpeg, replace --build=arm64 with --disable-ffmpeg_static in AUTOBUILD_CONFIGURE_EXTRA
  • If you don't want ccache, remove --enable-ccache from AUTOBUILD_CONFIGURE_EXTRA


Run sudo dpkg -i <FILE>.deb and follow the install script.

After the installation is done, you can access tvheadend in your browser on :9981 and the user/pass you set during the install


The releases section contains already build .deb files with updated versions of tvheadend