
Draws the map available from a Xiaomi Vacuum cleaner flashed with Valetudo in a Home Assistant Lovelace card

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Lovelace Valetudo Map Card

Draws the map available from a Xiaomi Vacuum cleaner flashed with Valetudo in a Home Assistant Lovelace card.



  - type: js
    url: /community_plugin/lovelace-valetudo-map-card/valetudo-map-card.js


  - platform: rest
    resource: http://ip_of_your_vacuum/api/map/latest
    name: xiaomi_map
      - image
      - path
      - charger
      - robot
    value_template: 'OK'
    scan_interval: 5
    authentication: basic
    username: !secret xiaomi_map_username
    password: !secret xiaomi_map_password

authentication, username and password configuration variables are required if using Valetudo Password Authentication (undocumented). Otherwise, omit.


type: 'custom:valetudo-map-card'
entity: sensor.xiaomi_map
rotate: 0
  top: 0
  bottom: 0
  left: 0
  right: 0


Name Type Default Description
type string Required custom:valetudo-map-card
entity string Required Sensor to get state from
floor_color string '--valetudo-map-floor-color', '--secondary-background-color' Floor color
obstacle_weak_color string '--valetudo-map-obstacle-weak-color', '--divider-color' Weak obstacle color
obstacle_strong_color string '--valetudo-map-obstacle-strong-color', '--accent-color' Strong obstacle color
path_color string '--valetudo-map-path-color', '--primary-text-color' Path color
show_dock boolean true Draw the charging dock on the map
show_vacuum boolean true Draw the vacuum on the map
show_path boolean true Draw the path the vacuum took
dock_icon string mdi:flash The icon to use for the charging dock
vacuum_icon string mdi:robot-vacuum The icon to use for the vacuum
map_scale number 1 Scale the map by this value
icon_scale number 1 Scale the icons (vacuum & dock) by this value
rotate number 0 Value to rotate the map by (default is in deg, but a value like 2rad is valid too)
crop Object {top: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0} Crop the map