
The repository is going to show our paper's experiment about cracing brainwallets(e.g., BTC brainwallets, ETH brainwallet, etc). This is an anonymous repository.

Some TypicalBrain Wallets We Cracked

The Project is going show our experiment about cracking Cryptocurrencies' Wallets(BrainWallets), we put Top-10 longest BTC brainwallets passphrases and some ETH brainwallets passphrases we cracked.

BTC BrainWallets(Top-10 longest)

  • Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
  • By the 30th/end of the month, I heard a person in my dream which seems more than special, that I will die from it. Can't spell it its something with "mono," that thing I had 8-15, with antibiotics I taken for it. And a puffer for breathing difficulty. I asked if antibiotics will work, and said "no," basically nothing will work.
  • Guaranteed death. October 2017, 30th? Or the end of the month may be some variance of up to a week.
  • Basaka.org backpacks are handmade in West Africa and profits are paid DIRECTLY to the artisans' phones in Sierra Leone through exchanging bitcoin to their mobile money systems! Instead of charity we are creating sustainable enterprise and jobs! Also check out our social media @basakabags
  • CoinBasis is a crypto-currency student club in Basis Independent School, McLean, Virginia. The club is founded by an eighth grader, Dora Xu on April 26th, 2017, and currently has seven members.
  • All hail Hyena the Young Hyaenidae, the First of his Name, King in the Swamp and the Bog, and the Zero-Nighters, Lord of the McGroyne Lowlanders and Protector of Coopers Lake!No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.
  • 11cfb5e8cfb34e3dc9c20dde1d54a55073a7c673ffe8bcf4201669e439941531693308a3aa559ed2b78e6f3daba0ba885e40aeed7d59a7bf9e115fa20890ceb4
  • EA6453F9B1DC2FA447D2C47B895AA13B68FD7CEE1BB2CD1D10FF40C36B571E888BDD1F1253CCCC2F5B5F2484B738D6AB55E6CC77E4B28EAD1C941F73874AEF24
  • f3a0cf3a8a1daec205c0918f86fb3b4b08cf958450ef3cdd5ec70a2ffdb1a561176e3753098f854c9c42fb96a367aeab6f0d382ef6efa02d6c6bbc6bc7756028
  • 5b3ce02d6c3b7fd92c51a0f16220d41b3978ec988fd8c21d7c514e407c359e1c3298c1db2110cd9f507d1d516cfe240074dea4dd06ae2379ad6f78a6816d63cb

ETH BrainWallets

  • 0x12Efa56d89E9aE1846Fd6FffE8E3Cf93F6503b1D**:**Hello World

  • 0x1765b6FC23Ee6D4054Cad8DFE7F5AF7eE4F6Ec81**:**bitcoin

  • 0x2a260a110bc7b03f19C40a0BD04FF2C5DCB57594**:**test

  • 0x4314d9F39cf4cF86595fAbD6290F2DcF182d3794**:**1LGUyTbp7nbqp8NQy2tkc3QEjy7CWwdAJj

  • 0x5aF95f4e0803B739E49B1239bB5Fbe91bD058caD**:**asdf

  • 0x757B03C889B997fe78791417a230463eBBc09182**:**how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood

  • 0x7A7E7398AbF4fc23e6d4179C9a25bA809561bCdA**:**cornucopia

  • 0x80E8816651790d4D6C187eeF09F90B7A19408BB8**:**123456

  • 0x8d362265D763Ac90aC94DC7e90DEc2A5E53387cA**:**a

  • 0xA245DF12eB53fb17875e9483aF675c8349716f86**:**!!!

  • 0xCFcb12D849569A3d1Cf971721665B2dCe0279A91**:**bitcoin is awesome

  • 0xDCCD62d450c645f6437680b8A4DaA098396DcE0e**:**correct horse battery staple

  • 0xEBA8CdDa5058Cd20aCbE5D1af35A71CFc442450e**:**hello

  • 0xfb35AD702E715E61A3F362C62DA7C1BD235102FC**:**password

  • 0xfb36D3cc82953351A7f9a0Fd09c17D271ecBEB03**:**abc