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Overview of the Analysis

The purpose of this analysis is to extract , transorm and load data based on the reviews collected by Amazon for their Wireless devices by using PySpark to load the data into pgAdmin via AWS RDS.


  • Based on calculations the number of Vine and non-Vine reviews are as follows:
  • Number of Vine reviews screenshot

  • Number of non-Vine reviews screenshot

  • The number of 5 star Vine and non-Vine reviews are as follows:
  • Number of 5 star Vine reviews screenshot

  • Number of 5 star non-Vine reviews screenshot

The percentage of 5 star Vine and non-Vine reviews are as follows:

  • Percentage of 5 star Vine reviews screenshot

  • Percentage of 5 stay non-Vine reviews screenshot


The results of this analysis clearly indicate that there is not a bias towards Vine reviews or 5 star Vine reviews as it is clearly visible that there were more non-Vine reviews tabulated for boh categories . This is also true for the resultant percentages where a larger percentage of 5 star reviews came from non Vine program participants(43.62%) vs Vine reviews at (36.08%). A futher analysis that could be useful is to use the NaiveBayes model to attempt to predict the likelihood of review being written by a Vine vs non Vine user .

See prediction here