
Convert bitmap files into a JSON file containing palette/ pixel data in arrays

Primary LanguageJavaScript


node bmpInspect.js file.bmp

where file.bmp is the path of the file to load. The JSON output will be saved to file.json, overwriting it if it already exists.


This program is compatibile with .bmp files exported by GIMP with default settings (24bit/ no alpha channel). Byte offsets and other information about the spec can be found at Wikipedia: BMP file format.


node bmpToJson.js square.bmp

The JSON output (square.json) is structured like so:

  "name": "square",
  "width": 3,
  "height": 3,
  "palette": [
  "pixels": [
    [0, 0, 0],
    [1, 1, 1],
    [2, 2, 2]

The image it represents is 3 pixels by 3 pixels in size. The top row is red, the middle row is green, and the bottom row is blue. The value in pixels[row][col] is the index of the corresponding color (hex string) in palette.

So for example if palette[3] has a value of 'FFFFFF', and pixels[0][4] has a value of 3, it means that the 5th pixel of the first (bottom) row is white.